In fact, a single formula, how to motivatechild to study, does not exist. After all, like adults, children are primarily individuals. And these unique features of your child must be taken into account.
First of all, remember that the child shouldto give the opportunity to show independence as far as possible. Of course, there can be no errors without mistakes, but is this not the essence of the study? But the joy of an independently performed task will be really strong, especially if you appreciate the small victory of the child and praise him - this motivates him to try and continue in the future. Do not criticize him too severely, constantly pointing out mistakes and misses, you will discourage the desire to learn completely.
Talking about how to motivate a child to study,it is important to mention one common mistake that many parents allow. Namely they begin to literally transform the house into a second school, establish the strictest discipline, and even generously spice it up with the words "the student is obliged", "the pupil must". Believe me, this is enough for children and in school. At home, you want to feel protected, be in an atmosphere of calm and comfort. Therefore, it is not necessary to control literally every movement of the child - let him decide whether he helps the music to concentrate or distracts from the lessons that he wants to do earlier: rest a bit and watch a series of favorite animated series or immediately start the homework.
No less important is how to motivate the child tostudy, let him feel that you love him and will love, no matter what the assessments in his diary. The marks are actually the salary of the student. You do not want your relatives to love you only for your salary? Especially the child in this regard is even more difficult - an adult, tired of constant pressure, can write an application and resign. And the kid simply has nowhere to go, except at home. And that's why in the family it is always necessary to wait for support, love and care.
Despite the fact that many parents who asked themselvesthe question of how to motivate a child to study starts to pay in cash for good grades, this is not the best strategy. Especially given that children learn primarily not for their parents, but for themselves.
Do not require the child to be roundan excellent student in all subjects, without exception. Firstly, because even today it is not a guarantee of admission to a prestigious university. And secondly, because, even if he succeeds, it is only by the method of monotonous cramming, mindless memorization of hundreds of facts. It will be much better if the child himself determines for himself those things that are really interesting to him, and will pay attention to their study. Perhaps he will not know the entire textbook by heart, but will understand them - and this is much more valuable. It is not so important that the disciple will have unloved objects. The main thing is that while there are loved ones.
Let the child from the very first class feels,that you are on his side, that the closest and dearest to him people support him not only in words but also in deeds. And, of course, respect your child. After all, he is already, although still only forming, a separate person with his own interests, dreams and goals!
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