Significance of folk signs: what is itching for the right eyebrow

Since ancient times, it was noted thatcertain parts of the body are scratched for a reason. As a result of centuries of observations, people have created a mass of signs, by which you can determine what awaits you in the near future.

What is itching for the right eyebrow?
Of course, many interpretations of such beliefs cause only a smile, but many notice that often the values ​​of superstitions are confirmed.

If you are wondering what it is that itches the right eyebrow,then it is not necessary to ask omniscient grandmothers on the bench. As a rule, this indicates a meeting with a friend in the near future. In general, it is very useful to know what itching is this or that place. For many it helps to plan time. If you scratch the tip of your nose, then it's better to cancel any business for the evening, because you will still find yourself in a fun company where you can not do without alcohol. And if you are concerned about lips, then you need to prepare for an excellent date.

By the way, if you know what it is that itches to the righteyebrow, but at the same time you are concerned about the itch between your fingers, then watch what you say and do. You will undoubtedly meet an old friend, but at the same time greatly upset him.

Of course, many do not believe in such signs and lovetalk about the need to swim more often. But this does not mean that these people do not come true. They just do not focus on the fact that and where it combed, do not know how to treat the itch and do not associate between them carding and further events in their life. Even if they know what the right eyebrow is scratching, rub it and meet a friend, they will simply call it a coincidence.

What are the brows scratched about?

Try to watch yourself, remember thatand when you were worried. Compare this with the events taking place in your life, and you will be able to create your base will accept where it will be painted, what the right eyebrow is scraped to, to what - cheeks, pads of the fingers and even the navel. Believe me, most of the interpretations will coincide with those already existing, because people have not forgotten everything for many centuries, retold each other, checked and recorded.

Of course, do not pay too much attention tonegative events, after all exactly what you believe in is coming true. Even if the interpreters say that if it itches the back, then it's to grief - do not wait for trouble. Perhaps it is the reaction of the skin to the material, paint of the T-shirt or a new washing powder. Of course, also explain the itch, if it itches the face or hands it is impossible.

The eyebrows shake
If some part of the body causes anxietyalready not one day, then, probably, it is not necessary to learn, to what it is scratched brows, lips, arms or hand, etc., and to address to the doctor. After all, it can be a sign of some kind of disease, often allergic to it. In this case, you may not have red spots or rashes on the body.

Whatever people say about their skepticalrelation to many superstitions, most still know what they mean. Try in a circle of friends to say that you have itchy eyebrows, a sign of the majority will remember right away. And you will only have to check how true it is. But if you still meet an old acquaintance, then the belief about what itchy parts of the body are, are true.

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