Marinating any mushrooms is not a processquite complex, because they absolutely do not require additional preparations, for example, as different oilmen, and small honey agarics. But here the most important thing is to observe the basic proportions, the cooking process, complete cleanliness, accuracy and, of course, all the necessary ingredients.
Naturally, the main products, without usingwhich simply can not marinate - this is naturally the mushrooms themselves. Ideally, it is worth picking one kilogram of any mushrooms that you can find in the forest, but you can certainly buy it - but you will agree - the effect will not be the same. It is important that all the fungi are of the same species.
It should be noted that the mushrooms were small andneat - but it's not necessary. After this, you need to thoroughly wash them, having cleaned of dirt. But to learn more about how to properly pickle mushrooms, you should go to the site
And now, when the mushrooms are already cooked, on the stoveyou need to put water from the tap before boiling and rows, into the ordinary teapot kettle get water, and above it to put a jar for sterilization. Both banks must be thoroughly rinsed thoroughly - not only inside, but also outside. And it is worth noting that 5 - 7 minutes of sterilization will be enough.
In a saucepan you need to cook marinade, but hereit is important to know that the marinade is transparent and it can change color only when adding spices and so on. Although many people cook it until it changes color - it's useless.
It is worth noting that in order to cookmarinade, you need for one liter of clean water, put two or three tablespoons, a teaspoon of ordinary powdered sugar, a little cloves, a few peas of any pepper (no more than 7-10), 5 bay leaves and of course cinnamon. All this is cooked for 15-20 minutes. In the end, you get - 200 ml. marinade for one liter jar with mushrooms.
After that, you need to already cookedyou marinade along with the mushrooms add one teaspoon eighty percent of the vinegar essence. It should be noted that with vinegar in general you can not overdo it, as excessive amounts of vinegar can cause heartburn.
In case you want to save yourpickled mushrooms as long as possible, for example, more than for six months, then the essence should be added a little more and inside each jar it is necessary to pour at least a little bit of sunflower oil (it is very important that the oil is not pasteurized, but real) . After that, the closed jars are put in a large saucepan and boiled, after which they are completely closed (for this it is necessary to literally 25-40 minutes).
In case you started pickling in autumn orin the spring, but at the same time plan to eat them in the winter, then you can not re-sterilize. And it will be enough that the upturned liter cans just wrap up for a few - 5 - 7 hours, for example in the most ordinary old jacket or an unnecessary blanket.