American actress Vanessa Marsil

Vanessa Marcil is an American actress whobecame very popular after filming in such films as "The Main Hospital", "Beverly Hills 90210" and "Las Vegas". She does not have too many full-length tapes on her account, but this does not detract from her merits in filmmaking.

Vanessa Marsil. Biography

Vanessa was born on October 5, 1968 in the city of Indio (California). Vanessa is the youngest of four children, her father is a Mexican, and her mother is a native American.

vanessa marsil

Vanessa was married to American actor CoryFeldman, most of all he is known for the films "Goonies," "Staged by the Wind" and Six Steps of Hell. "The marriage was registered on August 6, 1989. But the couple broke up after 14 years, in 2003 they officially divorced.

Vanessa Marsil in 1995 began to meet withAmerican actor Nathan Fillion, who is known for his roles in the films "Castle" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." But their relationship did not last long, in 1997 the couple broke up.

Since 1999, Vanessa has been in a relationship withAmerican actor Brian Green, they were together filmed in "Beverly Hills 90210". In 2002, the couple had a son, who was named Cassius Lija Marcil-Green. But the child did not help to maintain the relationship, and in 2003 the former lovers parted.

In 2010, the actress played a wedding with hercolleague on the shop Carmine Giovinazzo. The couple had no children, for a year, Vanessa had two miscarriages, which affected their relationship. And in March 2013 the couple broke their marriage.

At 48, Vanessa Marcil, whose height and weight is 163 centimeters and 50 kilograms, respectively, is in excellent physical shape.

Before in 1992, she was cast as Brenda in the TV series "The Main Hospital", she actively participated in various theatrical productions.

Vanessa Marsil. Films

From 1992 to 1998, in 2000 and from 2002 to 2003year, and then from 2010 to 2011, Vanessa starred in the series "The Main Hospital," for which she won three Emmy nominations and an award in the category "Outstanding Performance of a Secondary Female Role" in 2003.

Vanessa Marsil Movies

In 1996, she starred in the series "Loving, reading to deceive" and in the movie "Rock."

In 1997, she can be seen in the role of Kerry Andrews in the TV series "The Incredible Event" and in the movie "Make a Difference."

From 1998 to 2000, she starred in 37 episodes of sensational seril "Beverly Hills 90210".

In the late 90's and early zero years. Vanessa took part in the filming of a number of films and television series. True, many of them have not acquired the proper popularity and recognition among the audience.

From 2003 to 2008 she starred in the TV series "Las Vegas" and in several other television series.

In 2008, she starred in only one series, whose name is "Fondant Jungle." He did not bring much success to the actress.

The following year, 2009, was very intense for Vanessa Marcil, she participated in the filming of three TV series, such as "Express of Nannies", "One Hot Summer" and "No Trace".

In 2010, in addition to filming in the multi-part film "Main Hospital", she took part in the film "The Path of Bannen".


All of her awards the actress received for the role of Brenda Barret in the multi-series project "Main Hospital."

vanessa marcil biography

In 1997, she received the title of "The Most Stinging Actress" from "Soap Opera Digest".

In 1998 she received the award of the same film award in the category "Outstanding performance of the main female role".

In 2003, she was awarded the Emmy Award for Best Supporting Women's Role.

In the same year she received another award of this award in the category "The brightest return to the role".


Vanessa Marcil is best known for her roles invarious television series, and almost all of her awards were received for taking part in the filming of only one series. In her 48 years she worked on shooting in 43 films, most of which are serials.

vanessa marsil growth weight

This magnificent actress who joined inMexican, American, French, Portuguese and Italian roots, differs in a rather charismatic manner. It is often an adornment of a film or a series in which it is removed. For the attractive image of her loved many people whose interest in her creative activity is quite high. And along with the interest of the audience, the media also begins to follow the career and personal life of the actress.

Today Vanessa Marcil continues to star inmovies and TV shows. It is taken for almost all the projects that it is invited to participate in. Unfortunately, the demand for filmmakers to work with this actress is not so great, but, probably, soon it will increase significantly.

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