"Zashkvar" - what is it? The concept and meaning of the word on youth slang

"Zashkvar" - what is it? The meaning of this word is disclosed in this article. Today's youth slang is often so different from the ordinary literary language that it's time to create a special profile at the philological faculties of universities to study this phenomenon.

The semantics of the word "zashqvar"

Initially this word came in Russian fromjargon of prisoners. In prison, it meant any contact with the "lowered" or "rooster". It could be contact with this person or his things. For example, to sit down in a place reserved for "omitted" means "zashkvaritsya", that is, to humiliate oneself.

zashkvar what is

"Zashkvar" is simply humiliation, shame. "Zashvaritsya" can be simply accidentally touching the "cock" or drinking from the perforated mug. Any contact with the "omitted" or things belonging to such a person means the automatic omission of the one who contacted him. In other words, the person seen in contact with the "rooster", "zashkhvarivaetsya" and he becomes a "rooster".

"Zashkvar" - what is it on youth slang?

Moving from prison prison to a youth environment,the word changed slightly and assumed a new meaning. Today, adolescents use the word "zashqvar" in a slightly different sense. What is "zashkvaritsya" on school and student slang, we will consider below.

The essence of the word remained the same - shame, disgrace. However, young people apply it in cases where a person wears something unfashionable or stupid, and also in situations that somehow discredit or disgrace the person.

zashqvar this

Vivid examples of zashvkara can be considered situations,When a guy, for example, wears ugg boots or sandals with socks. This also includes cases where a person comes into the dog's excrement or accidentally gets the spittle of a nearby person.

There are so many situations to which the word "zashqvar" can be applied. What is a word used very often among schoolchildren, students and just young people - is no secret.


Youth slang is very diverse, and a person,far from it, sometimes it is very difficult to understand and understand the meaning of some words and even whole phrases. In addition, the language of adolescents is constantly changing and is replenished with new and new words and jargon. Many of them come in Russian from English or prison argo. To understand what is at issue, it is necessary to find out the semantic meaning of the word and determine where it came from and in what situations it is used.

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