Greek female names: popular and rare

The name is, perhaps, the first word thatmeets a new person. Different peoples have their own traditions of naming. But there is one thing that unites all people: when calling a child, parents are trying to convey to him something very important, immaterial - either spiritual qualities, or protection from misfortunes.

Greek female names
That's why names, as a rule, are somethingis denoted. And even if for now the etymology is unclear for us, and the origin is disputed even in science, nevertheless, for the most part, it is possible to restore history.

In Russia, with its Orthodox traditions,based on the Byzantine, above all, culture, Greek women's names are widespread, as well as men's. And often we do not realize their "alienation", do not perceive as foreign. So these beautiful Greek names have taken root in our culture. After all, Catherine is from there - "pure", Sophia is "wisdom", Xenia is "hospitable". Greek names and their meanings are described in detail in the literature on onomastics. Along with Hebrew (for example, Anna, Elizabeth) and Latin (Marina, Natalia), they are included in Orthodox saints, and in the culture of the peoples of America and Europe. Nicholas, Alexander, Alexei - all these popular to this day names come from Greece. Part of them we owe mythology. For example, Ariadne's rare name comes from the words "really like". According to legend, it was she who helped Theseus find a way out of the labyrinth.

Greek names and their meanings

Greek Female Names in Contemporary Cultureoften used in a modified form. For example, along with Evdokia there is a folk form of Avdotya. Xenia corresponds to the original form of Anisya (Ukrainian Oksana became an independent name). Praskovya - once very popular in the villages - comes from Eupraxia ("happiness, prosperity"). What can we say about recognizable forms: Nastasya - from Anastasia, Katerina (and even Rina) - from Catherine. Greek women's names are so firmly established that there are many diminutive caresses in them, in which, again, we do not always recognize the prototype. For example, Asya - from Anastasia, Shura - from Alexandra.

beautiful Greek names
Such development shows that inculture they are perceived as their own, primordial. Many, of course, went out of use. For example, such Greek female names as Gregory, Fekla, Euphrosynia are either very rare or uncommon. Emilia ("affectionate"), Ellina ("Greek") are perceived by us as Western, European. But the old form of Christina (and Christian) is most often used in the modified form of Christina and is quite popular. It is noteworthy that many variants of primordially "Russian" names turn out to be tracing (copying, translation) from Greek. These include, for example, Faith, Hope, Love. But the rare Greek female names - Selina ("moonlight"), Kira ("lady, mistress") are gradually returning from oblivion. Other popular ones include Elena, Lydia, Larisa, Raisa, Inessa, Zoya ... Greek female names - both old, forgotten, and actively used - are beautiful and sonorous. It is not for nothing that for centuries the selected forms are in the lead among the most popular forms (thirty-forty years ago, among them were Elena, Zoya, later - Catherine, then - Alexandra, Anastasia) ... Return and rare names: Aglaya, Evdokia.

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