Relief and mineral resources of Mongolia

Mongolia is a state that is located inCentral part of Asia. This mountainous country is located on a plateau, which is raised to 1000-1500 meters above sea level. The relief features and minerals of Mongolia provide it with success on the foreign market. Over the plateau towering mountain ranges - the Mongolian and Gobi Altai. Also on the territory of the state are the spurs of the Eastern Sayan, Khangay, Hantei and other mountain ranges.

The geological structure of Mongolia isall age complexes of rocks, ranging from the Archean and Proterozoic, ending with the Quaternary deposits of the Cenozoic era. It was thanks to the relief and structure that the minerals of Mongolia were formed.

This state ranks third in numberall explored deposits in Asia. What kind of minerals are extracted on its territory in large volumes? This will be discussed in this article.

minerals of Mongolia

Often mined minerals

The most common natural resources of the region -gold, coal, copper, iron, silver ores, asbestos, graphite, ornamental stones. There are numerous mineral water deposits. Recent years are working on exploring new oil fields, the relief of Mongolia allows us to open more and more places of extraction.


The largest gold ore deposit is OyuTolgoi. " Over the past 20 years, the metal production in this field was 180 tons. The deposits are complex and single, it is believed that many of them have not yet been explored.

relief of Mongolia


Minerals of Mongolia in large numbersare represented by coal deposits. Its reserves are estimated at 27 billion tons. Most often there are layers of coal, but there is also a brownish appearance. The deposits of the former are mainly concentrated in the southern and western regions of Mongolia. Brown coal is mined in the eastern and central parts of the country.


Large deposits of uranium ore are concentrated onnorth-east of the state. There are about 100 deposits. According to uranium reserves, Mongolia ranks 15th in the world. New deposits are still being explored. Scientists are sure that there are much more in this territory.

There are large reserves of copper ore. They are concentrated in two large deposits - Tsagansuburg and Erdenituin-Obo. The deposits of tin ore are numerous. But they are represented by single deposits, which are located throughout the country. Silver ores are mined in the Mongolian Altai.

These are the minerals of Mongolia. And this, in turn, allows you to earn enough money for the state budget.

Features of the relief and minerals of Mongolia

Raw materials

Mineral raw materials are represented by deposits of soda, phosphorites, rock salt. Industrial-mineral form - reserves of fluorite (the leading places in the world), gypsum, graphite, magnesite, asbestos.

From jewelry and ornamental stones there are almandine, chrysolite, amethyst, chalcedony, agate, nephrite.


Minerals of Mongolia attract tourists,because their "golden" representative is fresh water. It is she who is the wealth of this state. More than 3 thousand fresh lakes, numerous sources of mineral waters (arshans). All of them differ in composition. There are cold carbonate, cold radon, hydrocarbonate and sodium-calcium waters.

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