Graduate School of Moscow State University - a real chance to become successful

The whole country knows that MSU is a fine university. About thirty-five thousand people study there. It is the oldest classical educational institution of the state.

Probably, every schoolboy dreams of going there.

Graduate school of mug
For most people, training in such a university ispermit for life. Successful completion of it guarantees the finding of prestigious and highly paid work and success in professional field. The knowledge base that teachers provide during their studies is very high, therefore graduates are highly qualified specialists. The teaching staff of the university is one of the most experienced and talented in the country.

Moscow State University is on the first place in all ratingshigher educational institutions of Russia. Graduates from many cities and countries aspire to enter here, as the level of Russian education is quite high. The Moscow State University has many buildings, libraries and hostels. At one glance the majestic structure of the university is breathtaking.

Education in Moscow State University

Before entering this university there is a task to stay in it, to study qualitatively, not to get on the list of expelled.

Mg graduate school
It's not so easy. But for those who try and seek knowledge, this is quite a feasible task. The incentive to study is a scholarship. It is paid to all who distinguished themselves with their knowledge.

There is an opinion that MSU is a house that you needenter, and then choose the "room" in it. This statement shows that the areas of training and specialties are many, and there is also the possibility of continuing education at a higher level. For this purpose there is a graduate school of the Moscow State University. It is difficult to enter into it, but it is quite possible.

Requirements for admission to postgraduate study at Moscow State University

In order to qualify for a post-graduate place, it is necessary to fulfill a number of requirements, which makes candidates for MSU candidates.

Postgraduate in mgu
Graduate studies are needed for those who want to become a candidatesciences and teach on the basis of the native faculty. To do this, you need to have a higher education completed by a specialty program or a master's program. Also, it is compulsory to have at least two years of professional experience. There are age limits. This does not end there. Foreign citizens do not have the opportunity of free education. For them, postgraduate study at Moscow State University is paid, as for citizens of other CIS countries. In addition, for the entry it is necessary to pass the competition. It is easy to guess that MSU postgraduate studies require careful preparation.

Examinations on admission are three. It is a foreign language, philosophy and discipline in the specialty. There is only one attempt, since the MSU postgraduate course does not provide for the possibility of re-passing the exam.

Documents for admission to the graduate school

The list of documents for admission is small andis the same for all. It consists of a copy of the diploma confirming the existence of higher professional education, autobiography, recommendations from the workplace, copies of the work record book with the confirmation of the existence of work experience, a special form for those who passed the examinations, a medical certificate and a list of scientific works published by the applicant.

If a student of a certain institution is going togo to a place like graduate school of Moscow State University, then this educational institution should be held a meeting of the Academic Council. After him, an extract from the protocol is given, which reflects recommendations for admission to graduate school immediately after graduation. If all of the above conditions are met, the applicant has all chances to enter the postgraduate course at Moscow State University.

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