Universities of Kiev. Higher education, universities of Kiev

Kiev is one of the main scientific and educational centers in Ukraine. Here 72 higher educational institutions are concentrated. Universities of Kiev are diverse and have a long history.

History of Higher Education Development in Kiev

Already in the tenth century, Kiev was the main centerenlightenment in Russia, libraries operated in many temples and monasteries. The largest of them (the so-called library of Yaroslav the Wise) was located in the St. Sophia Cathedral and numbered about 1000 different books.

After the Mongol-Tatar invasion levelculture and education, of course, fell significantly. The revival of the city as a scientific and educational center began only at the end of the XVII century, with the opening of the Mogilyanka there. And the first universities in Kiev appeared much later. This happened only in the XIX century.

universities in Kiev

In 1834 a university was founded in the citySt. Vladimir (today - Shevchenko University). Kiev is gradually becoming an important center for the education of the Russian Empire and the entire Eastern European region.

The most famous universities in Kiev

Below are the most famous and popular state universities in Kiev, which are distinguished by the high quality of higher education. More information about them you will find further.

  1. Kiev-Mohyla Academy.
  2. Kyiv National University. T. Shevchenko.
  3. National Technical University (KPI).
  4. National Aviation University.
  5. National Pedagogical University. Dragomanova.
  6. National Agrarian University.

Kyiv today is the most important scientific centerstate. In total, 72 HEIs of III and IV levels of accreditation operate in the capital. Among them, 24 structures are national universities in Kiev, which, incidentally, are most popular among applicants from all over the country, and not only. Let us dwell in more detail on the most famous.

Kyiv National University. Shevchenko

The first universities of Kiev began to appear in the XIX century. One of them is the Taras Shevchenko National University, which dates back to 1834.

The university was founded as an imperial one. The basis for its creation was the Kremenetsky collegium, which existed earlier in the Ternopil region. In particular, many professors moved to Kiev, as well as a library, botanical garden funds and various classrooms.

In the first year, only onefaculty and two departments, and the university itself received only 62 first students. At different times, outstanding personalities were taught and worked there: Taras Shevchenko, Nikolai Kostomarov, Ivan Vernadsky, Nikolai Andrusov and others. The name of the great Ukrainian poet and kobzar university is from 1939, and in 1994 he was given the status of national.

Shevchenko University Kyiv

There are 8 institutes and 14 facultiestoday in the KNU. His corpses are scattered all over the city. The main of them - "Red" and "Yellow", as well as the central library. Maksimovich - are in the area of ​​Shevchenko Park in the center of Kiev. The university also has its own observatory and botanical garden.

Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

1632nd - this is the year of foundation of the Academy, which waswas founded on the basis of the Kiev Brotherhood School. Her "father" is Peter Mogila - Metropolitan of Kiev. Great attention in this educational institution at that time was paid to the study of the Polish language, as well as Latin.

During the XVII and XVIII centuries, the Academy wasthe cradle of scientific life throughout the Russian Empire. Among her well-known graduates and pupils are the hetmans Ivan Mazepa and Philip Orlik, the scientist with the world name Mikhail Lomonosov, the philosopher Grigory Skovoroda, the writer Petr Gulak-Artemovsky and others.

Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

Today there are only sixfaculties. The training process takes place in nine buildings, which are located on Podol - in the historical part of Kiev. Each of these buildings is an architectural monument.

National Technical University (KPI)

"Ukrainian Harvard" - this is sometimes called thisuniversity. First of all, due to the external appearance of its buildings. They are located on Shulyavka and represent a single architectural complex of the end of the XIX century, created on an area of ​​160 hectares.

national universities in Kiev

Today KPI is one of the largest universitiestechnical profile all over the world. He repeatedly took first place in the ratings of Ukrainian universities. KPI today is ten institutes and 20 different faculties. During its work, the institution produced hundreds of talented scientists, engineers and researchers. Among them - Igor Sikorsky, Boris Paton, Ivan Cizhenko, Yaroslav Yashchenko, famous rock musician Oleg Skripka.

National Aviation University (NAU)

This university was founded in the distant 1933. But today he prepares not only pilots and engineers, but also environmentalists, lawyers, translators and even sociologists. Over 50 thousand students from 49 countries of the world study in it.

state universities in Kiev

15 institutes, 7 colleges and two lyceums - thosemodern structure of this educational institution. NAU has 75 aircraft and helicopters that are used in the educational process. The university has its own airfield, radio test area, special training complex, and also the only training hangar in the world. The NAU library has over 2.5 million publications, as well as about six thousand books and textbooks in electronic format.

National Agrarian University

One of the oldest universities in Kiev, he waswas founded in 1898 as an agricultural department of the KPI. In 1918 it was transformed into a separate faculty, and then, in 1923, it became an independent educational institution.

An interesting location at this university. It is located in the depths of Holosiivsky Forest, on the southern outskirts of Kiev. The buildings of the school were built in the 1930s, in the same architectural style of the Ukrainian neo-Baroque. The author of the complex was the architect Dmitry Dyachenko.

For the whole period of the university's work from its wallsa lot of famous personalities and scientists were released. In particular, it is the cryobiologist Igor Smirnov, the breeder Vasyl Belous, the academician Trofim Lysenko, as well as politicians - Ivan Plyushch, Alexander Moroz and Evgeny Shevchuk (the second president of the unrecognized republic of Transnistria).

National Pedagogical University. Dragomanova

The Mikhail Drahomanov University waswas established in Kiev in 1920. From the very beginning, there were only three faculties in it: pre-school, school and medical-pedagogical. Later, already in the 30's, their number was significantly expanded. At the same time, on the basis of the university, the evening department started working.

With the advent of Soviet power, the university bore the name of writer Maxim Gorky. Only in 1993 the institution was returned to its original name.

agrarian university of Kiev

Today at the Dragomanov Universityabout 20 thousand students are studying. Among the graduates of the Kiev university are many well-known personalities: the poet and satirist Pavel Glazovoy, journalist and local historian Alexander Anisimov, film director Oksana Bayrak, Ukrainian journalist Alexei Mustafin and others.


For today in the Ukrainian capitalthere are 72 universities. The oldest, most famous and prestigious universities in Kiev ("Mohylanka", Taras Shevchenko National University, KPI) have their history since the XIX century. They have a good material base and a high level of education.

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