Check word for the word "water" - look for together!

Learning the spelling of words with unstressed vowel inroot remains the most difficult topic in the primary school course. And this, despite the fact that scientists, methodologists, teachers for decades are trying to find the best ways to solve the problem. For children, it would seem, a simple question about how to test the word "water" may be unsolvable.

To achieve a positive result in workon the formation of spelling literacy of children, first of all, a systematic approach to teaching is needed. This requirement is relevant in any version of the school curriculum. Specific ways of forming a skill can be very different.

Introduction to the concept of "stress"

One of the requirements of the program on Russian language inThe first class is the familiarity with the notion of "stress". Students learn the practical ways of determining it in words. In addition, children learn that the stress in the Russian language is moving, it can only be a vowel letter.

check word to the word water

At first glance, the material seems simple and notvery significant. But this is not so. A poorly formed skill in determining the impact sound in a word will become an obstacle in mastering the spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root of the word.

Therefore, during the literacy period after the introductionThe concept of "stress" is necessary to give the children daily exercises to determine the stressed vowel in words. Language material can be very diverse: on a particular topic, scattered, perceived orally or in writing, offered to the whole class, a group of students or individually.

In order to propaedeutics, the Russian language course is alreadyThis range of mastering the topic can offer chains of single-root words. For example, take the word "water". The teacher says that he will call his "relatives", and children should determine the place of the stressed syllable (sound, letter). A number of words may look like this: "water, water, water, waterman, water carrier, whirlpool, pond", etc. Do not forget to pay attention to the lexical meaning of words.

Mobility of stress

In further work, considering, for example,words with the root-water-, -sas-, -les-, it is necessary to practice not only the skill of determining the stressed syllable, but also to enable one to observe such a phenomenon as the mobility of stress. It can be on the first, last syllable or in the middle of a word.

root word to the word water

Teacher offers a task that requirespick up the root word to the word "water" (the concept is operated by the teacher, without requiring it from the children). During the discussion on the board appears, for example, the following entry: "water, water pump, diver, water, watery".

Continuing to observe and compare, the children notice,that the stress moves from one syllable to another, but the unstressed vowels in the word remain unchanged. And one more observation, which will lead to an important conclusion, is to be spent with children. Students should note that the pronunciation of a word does not coincide with its spelling. This "discovery" usually amazes little Russian connoisseurs.

Vigilant Vowels

The next important step in the work on the orthogramis the development in the students of the ability to see an unstressed vowel. Prior to acquaintance with the morphemic composition, children should distinguish the percussion and all unstressed vowels irrespective of the word part.

words with a root of waters

Again we give the students the task to pick uproot word to the word "water". In the formed chain: "water, water meter, watering, waterless" - the students graphically designate percussion and unstressed vowels. At the initial stage, you can give a pair of words that differ in the form of the number: "water - water", "winter - winter", "forest - forest", etc.

It is very important right now to give an opportunity to understand to the children that inattention to an unstressed vowel can cause confusion of letters when writing a word, which leads to a serious error.

Checked and verifying words

In the second year of language training, children are already ready forperception of the theme "root words". For them, new tasks of this type, such as picking the root word to the word "water", "earth", "flowers", "fox" are not new tasks. They have information that among the words there are groups of "relatives", and their signs are well known to children.

What a test word to the word water

The concept of "root" and its graphic designation are introduced. Children are again and again convinced of the uniform writing of the root in related words, regardless of the position of the stress.

By observation, comparison, the disciples cometo the conclusion that any group of related words can be divided into two parts: one put test, and the other - verifiable words. After such an "opening", the teacher's question about which test word to the word "water" can be selected will not cause surprise or misunderstanding in children.

Vowels and letters

So that the child has a steady skillliterally writing an unstressed vowel at the root, and he could choose a test word for the word "water" or any other where there is a specified orthogram, the teacher should regularly draw the students' attention to the inadmissibility of mixing letters. Different letters in Russian can be used to designate the same sound.

the word water

It will be very useful exercises, where necessary inreplace one letter, and then observe what happened to the word. The material for the assignment is selected in accordance with the level of development of children ("house - smoke", "sing - saw", "forest - fox", etc.). Working on individual words and groups of related words, one should constantly offer assignments where it is necessary to make a choice of the desired letter denoting unstressed vowel sound.

How to check the word. Instructions

At the final stage of work on the topic in the classrooma memo will appear that will at any time tell you how, for example, to check the word "water" and write it without error. The memo should be "live", in demand by children.

If the teacher sees that the students do not usealgorithm of work on the orthogram, it can mean that the memo is difficult to understand or it was offered to the children in the finished form. A scheme compiled by students on their own is always of interest, since children understand the meaning of each of its elements.

The duration of use of the scheme,revealing the secrets of writing an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, depends on the level of development of the pupils of the class. For some, the need for its application will disappear after a few lessons, and other children can use it for more than one year. The teacher should encourage those of them who, thanks to the memo, get rid of spelling errors in independent works and dictations.

Exercise Exercises

Given the complexity of the topic, the teacher should remember that without training, constant repetition of the basic concepts, it is impossible to form the spelling skill of unstressed vowels.

how to check the word water

In this regard, in the lessons of the Russian language, it is necessary to use several types of exercises:

  • Training in the statement of stress. The auditory exercises, on copying, creative character will help here.
  • Exercise to form a selection skillunstressed vowel at the root. We offer tasks, for example, of this nature: "Write related words, put a stress mark, underline an unstressed vowel, choose a test word to the word" water "."
  • Assignments to the formation of the ability to selecttest words from the group of crocheted ones. For example, the teacher asks to prove that the presented words are of the same root: "seaweed, water supply, underwater, flood" - and choose a test word for the word "water".
  • Exercises are aimed at developing skillsindependently find the test word. Children should write off the text, find words with unstressed vowels that require verification. Using your vocabulary, pick up a test word to the word "water" or another, given by the teacher.

Work on bugs

Uniform requirements for work onthere are no errors in the primary classes. There is a lot of debate among educators about the forms of holding it, but the benefits of such work in terms of increasing the literacy of children have long been proven and are not discussed.

The teacher needs to remember that most oftenWork on the bugs have to be performed by children who have difficulties in learning. This imposes on the teacher an additional responsibility in the selection of tasks, the use of visual aids, special methodical techniques.

Systematic work on errors helps to develop the spelling of students, and this leads to increased literacy.

The practice of teaching in primary schoolallows to be convinced of efficiency of application of various forms, receptions which the teacher uses for achievement of the purposes of training. The types of practical activities of students are also of great importance in the process of learning the secrets of the language.

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