Indian Henna

Indian henna has for a long time been widelyapplication as an effective therapeutic agent. In addition, it has the ability to color hair, changing their natural color. Henna is a plant, and therefore absolutely safe. This dye is produced from the leaves of Lavsonia - a low tree or shrub belonging to the genus Derbennikov. Raw materials for natural powder are collected during the flowering of the plant. Leaves that grow on the branches of the highest tier are used for the production of artistic painting on the skin, as their ability to color is the highest. The raw materials harvested from the lower parts of the Lavonians are triturated into the powder least intensively. Indian henna, obtained from these tiers of bush, finds its application when staining hair.

Powder is packed immediately after it is received invacuum due to the inability of the paint to retain its useful properties during long-term storage in the open air. Raw materials, obtained from various parts of the province, are widely used for medical purposes. Powder is treated with various wounds, eliminates skin diseases, as well as ailments of the osseous system and headaches.

Widespread use of Indian henna inquality dye for hair. It is able to change their natural color, giving a rich copper shade and a pleasant shine. Indian henna makes the hair more dense, lush and stiff, it prevents them from falling out and eliminates dandruff. Beneficial effect has a powder from the leaves of lavsonia and the skin of the head. Preserved information that henna was used by the Prophet Muhammad. However, it should be borne in mind that this coloring agent does not have the ability to completely change the color of hair, which is natural for them.

Since ancient times, great popularity amongof the population of the countries of Central Asia used painting, which was produced on the body with the application of henna. It was applied for religious or aesthetic purposes. Such paintings were called Mendi. Henna gave the pattern the ability to keep on the skin for a significant period, which amounted to a time interval of up to three weeks. In this case, various shades of mendi (from light orange to dark red and black) were provided as a result of mixing the agent with various additives.

Indian henna, whose testimonies indicateits popularity as a remedy, is widely used in medicine in the Arab States. The ability of laurison to produce a strong disinfecting effect is used in the treatment of wounds and stitches, as well as in getting rid of various dermatological ailments and bone diseases.

Rinsing the mouth with a solution of henna veryuseful for stomatitis, and also available on the lips, cheeks and tongue ulcers. The application of powder from leaves of lavson to the painful areas has a calming effect on abscesses and inflammations having a sharp shape. A mixture made from natural wax, rose oil, and also an extract of henna, is effective for pain in the back area. If the patient suffers from smallpox or chicken pox, then a paste obtained from the leaves of Lavonia is used. The agent is applied directly to the ulcer, which contributes to their rapid drying. In this case, the patient's eyes are protected.

Henna Indian improves the shine of nailswhen applying to them a paste from this medicinal product. The smell of dry leaves of Lavonia excellently repels blood-sucking insects, and is also able to relieve headaches and strengthen potency.

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