Philosophy and methodology of science.

The method is, first of all, the way to anything, the way of social activity, not only in cognitive, but in any other form. The concept of the methodology of science has two basic meanings:

  1. The system of certain methods, operations and methods used in a particular field of activity (in politics, science, art).
  2. The theory of the method or the doctrine of this system. Thus, the methodology of science explores the structure and development of scientific knowledge, methods and tools of scientific research, ways of generalizing results and mechanisms for realizing knowledge in practice.

From this it follows that the method is a collectioncertain methods, rules and norms of cognition and impact. It is the method that disciplines the search for truth, allows, while saving time and energy, to approach the cherished goal. The main function of the method is the regulation of cognitive and other forms of activity. Any of the methods is developed on the basis of theoretical assumptions, and its effectiveness is always due to the content, the fundamental and depth of the theory, which is subsequently compressed into the method.

The methodology of science exists and developsexclusively in the complex dialectics of the objective and subjective. Nevertheless, it is assumed that any method, above all, is objective and informative, but at the same time a little subjective. All scientific methods are divided into five main groups:

  1. Philosophical methods. The oldest of philosophical methods is dialectical and metaphysical. To their number can also be attributed analytical, phenomenological, intuitive methods.
  2. General scientific methods. Such methods have found the widest application in the science of the XX century, they represent a kind of methodology between philosophical teaching and the fundamental position of some special sciences.
  3. Private scientific methods are a set of principles andmethods of cognition, as well as research methods and procedures used in this or that field of science and corresponding to the basic form of the motion of matter.
  4. Disciplinary methods These include the systems of receptions thatThey are applied in a particular discipline, arising at the intersection of sciences or relating to science itself. Any fundamental science includes a complex of disciplines and unique methods of research.
  5. Methods of interdisciplinary research. They represent a number of synthetic, integrative ways that are aimed at the joints of scientific disciplines.

Philosophy and methodology of science most often distinguishthe following research methods: observation, comparison and experiment, as a result of which, there is active intervention in an already existing process. Among them, formalization, hypothetical-deductive and axiomatic methods are most often singled out.

  1. Formalization - this is a mapping of general knowledge in a sign expression. It is created to express thoughts, with the possibility of eliminating ambiguous understanding.
  2. The axiomatic method Is a way of constructing a scientific theory, based on some initial assumptions, from which all other statements are deduced logically.
  3. Hypothetical-deductive method Is a method of investigating the theory, the essence of which lies in the formation of a system of hypotheses, from which conclusions are drawn about empirical facts.

The logic and methodology of science widely use general methods and methods of research, among them can be identified:

  1. Analysis - mental or real separation of the object into its component parts.
  2. Synthesis - association of objects into a single whole.
  3. Abstraction - the process of abstraction from the relations and properties of the phenomenon under study, with the identification of some significant objects.
  4. Idealization - the mental operation associated with the formation of abstract objects.
  5. Induction - movement of thought from individual facts to general ones.
  6. Deduction - the return of the process of cognition from general experience to individual facts.
  7. Analogy - comparison and establishment of similarity between non-identical objects.
  8. Modeling - the research method of objects by reproducing their characteristics on another object.

The methodology of science, like science itself, is a purely historical phenomenon, therefore any methods and methods of cognition in it are constantly being improved and developed without losing their true essence.

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