Knockout: how to put it?

Anyone who knows something about martial arts and martial arts knows that a single knockout blow can provide victory over the opponent - a blow that leads to a knockout state.

A knockout is a special condition in which a person loses control of the body and can not continue the fight.

Of course, such a blow can noteach. Only a few extraordinarily strong people can send an opponent to knockout one left without any training. For others, this is only possible after many weeks of hard work.

Of course, it's best to work outknockout stroke with a partner, under the guidance of an experienced coach, in a section or a fitness room. But not everyone has the time and means to attend special classes. What should such people do?

Fortunately, a speciala complex of exercises, thanks to which the setting of a knockout blow is possible at home. This complex includes the development of three main parts of such a strike. This is stall, acceleration and hardening.

A breakdown is called the fastest andunexpected blow to the enemy. The basis of it is complete relaxation - both physical and emotional. The fighter should not even think about the impending blow.

There are several exercises for working out a breakdown. When performing each of them, the training person should be completely relaxed.

In the first exercise, the fighter learns to apply quickBeats after the sound signals issued by a partner. The shorter the time interval between sound and impact is, the better. The same exercise can be done somewhat differently: the training person must beat after the partner touches him.

The second exercise consists in drawing fast attacks on the boxing paw, quickly moved by the partner within the reach of the trainee.

The third exercise is the most difficult - the fighter must strike the newspaper so quickly that a hole appears in it.

The second part - overclocking. Without it, you can not put a knockout blow. Overclocking consists in working out not only a quick, but also a very strong blow. There are many exercises that develop speed and impact strength. These include push-ups - on the fingers, on one hand and with the cotton; Pressing the rod; jerks and pushes of weights; Work with a bag, according to which the fighter must deal the most powerful blows.

And, of course, we must not forget about hardening of hands -because the knuckles of the fingers of an untrained person are very sensitive, and if they are not "stuffed", the knockout blow will be able to disable the one who inflicts it.

Excellent exercises for hardening hands are push-ups on the fists and work with a bag without gloves.

Regular execution of the exercises described above will allow you to work out a knockout blow for three months or even faster!

In addition to the complex described above, there is alsoone technique that allows you to work out both speed and impact speed. For this technique, heavy boxing gloves with sewn weights are required - taking them out, each fighter will be able to pick up for himself the optimal weight of gloves, in which his impact will be most effective.

So, having decided on the mass of gloves and howshould be fixed on their hands, you need to remember your most commonly used percussion technique and begin to work it out. Running continues until fatigue - until the technique of the shock does not turn into a jerk. Further, a minute break takes place, during which relaxing exercises are performed, after which the workout continues. After fatigue one more break, and again working off.

Such training should not be done too often - enough once in one or two weeks.

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