Fingerprint on iPhone 5S does not work: possible causes and solutions

Fingerprint reader Touch ID is onefrom the most useful functions of iPhones and other smartphones endowed with such an advantage. It not only protects the phone and its data from prying eyes, but it also serves as a key for purchases in the App Store and Apple Pay payment system. The scanner also protects third-party applications, for example, "Sberbank Online". However, like any technical novelties, it does not function perfectly on all devices. In this article, we'll figure out what to do if the Touch ID on the iPhone does not work.

What is a Touch ID?

To begin with, let's analyze what is saidFingerprint's scanner. Touch ID, called one of the important iPhone functions, first appeared on iPhone 5s; later models are equipped with this option. The scanner is integrated into the main Home button. Its device is only 170 microns thick (it is twice thinner than human hair!) Is able to quickly analyze the subepithelial layer of the finger skin of a person touching the button on the image-print resolution of 500 ppi. It's no wonder that such a thin system can often "be capricious", which makes fingerprint on the iPhone 5s not work.

does not work fingerprint on iphone 5s

One of the features of Touch ID is thatit can "train", configure, and also store up to 5 fingerprints (both one person and several) in memory, each of which will be the key to your device and the individual applications in it.

Correct setting of Touch ID

Sometimes the iPhone 5s fingerprint scanner is badworks because of incorrectly carried out its initial setting. Therefore, in the beginning of using your new smart, you should set up the Touch ID, following the recommendations of Apple:

  1. Before configuring the sensor, enter the password for the device (4-6 digits, depending on the OS version). It will help you unlock the device, if the scanner suddenly zamarhlit.
  2. Make sure that the "Home" button as well as your hands are clean and dry.
  3. Go to the settings under the "gear" icon, select "Touch ID and Password". Enter the code from item 1.
  4. Click on "Add fingerprint". After that, touch (do not press strongly - just a light touch) of the Home button. In this case, it is important to hold the device naturally, position the finger as you prefer.
  5. Touching the button, hold your finger until it vibrates lightly or until a text appears on the screen: "Lift your finger and place it several times on the" Home "key.
  6. After the appearance of this command, apply a finger, slightly changing its location.
  7. Next, the device will suggest storing in its memoryconvenient for you to capture. Here you should keep the phone in your hand the way it will be convenient for you to place it in your hand when unlocking the device. At this point you apply to the "Home" not the center of the pads of the finger, but its edges.
  8. After you have memorized the fingerprint of one finger, you can repeat the procedure for others. To increase the reliability of the scanner in the memory iPhone should be up to three of your prints.

stopped working fingerprint on iphone 5s

"Workout" Touch ID

If you are faced with what works badlyfingerprint on the iPhone 5s, then try to "train" your Touch ID. To do this, enter the "Settings", "Tooch ID and password", enter the desired code. Then touch the scanner of the finger in his memory. At this time, the name of her print on the screen will take a gray color.

Start the "training" of your scanner - continuetouch the "Home" finger in different positions. These manipulations will help improve the speed of both scanning and fingerprint recognition. To achieve the best result, repeat the above algorithm several times.

Incompatible fingerprint scanner: Universal troubleshooting

If you are faced with the fact that the fingerprint has ceased to work on the iPhone 5s, then we will offer you the most probable causes of the malfunction and how to eliminate them:

  • First check that the scanner is turned on andis configured in accordance with the algorithm from the second subtitle. In the "Settings" section of the "Touch ID and Password", the sliders opposite Unlock, App Store, iTunes Store, Apple Pay should be active, and at least one finger must be stored in the "Imprints" tab.
  • Try entering one or more other fingerprints. Please note that each of them can be assigned a name.
  • The reason that the fingerprint does not workon the iPhone 5s, maybe the state of your hands. If you just came from the cold, for a long time were in the water, applied a greasy cream or on the pads of your fingers there are minor damages (microcracks, scratches), then this may cause the iPhone to not correctly recognize your fingerprint.
  • Clean with a dry paper or tissue cloththe "Home" key. On its circumference sometimes accumulates a discreet eye, a mud ring, which reduces the working diameter of the key and makes it difficult for the scanner to work.

bad functioning of the fingerprint scanner iphone 5s

Now we turn to more particular cases of malfunctions.

Touch ID does not work on frost

If on your iPhone 5s the fingerprint scanner does not work exactly in the frost, then to your attention the following lifhak:

  1. To conduct further manipulations, once again find yourself in a student's environment and go to the tab "Touch ID and Password" located in the "Settings".
  2. Click on "Add new fingerprint". Your hands should already be cold.
  3. On the scheme indicated in the second sub-title, add the fingerprint of your frozen finger to the device memory.
  4. Even if this manipulation did not help, there is only one thing - to unlock the phone with a digital password.

bad fingerprint work on iphone 5s

Problems after upgrading

The vast majority of users complain that,that the fingerprint on the iPhone 5s does not work just after they updated iOS to the current version. The most effective "lazy" way here is to wait for the next "update" in which this bug will be fixed. But if you need a properly functioning scanner on the "Home" button, then try to fix the problem in these ways:

  1. Close all running programs and makeSoft Reset (simultaneous clamping of the Home and power keys within 10 seconds). It would be superfluous to clean the scanner and fingertips with a napkin. Go to the "Settings" section "Touch ID and password" and delete all available prints (swipe to the left or click on their name, then - "Delete fingerprint"). Then select "Add a new fingerprint" and refer to the detailed algorithm described in the settings above.
  2. If the previous method did not help, then you will have toperform a full flashing of the device. Before the operation, be sure to keep in a safe place backup copies of the information available in the iPhone. On your PC or laptop, iTunes must be downloaded and authorized via the Apple ID of your iPhone. Disable the "Find iPhone" feature. Next, connect the phone via the USB cable to the "older brother". If the PC OS is Windows, then with this manipulation, hold the Shift key on the keyboard, if Mac is the Alt / Option key. Then select "Restore" by specifying the downloaded firmware.

iphone 5s does not work fingerprint scanner

Touch ID failed

Fingerprint on iPhone 5s may not work andas a result of the failure of the scanner - such a message you will see on the screen after several vain attempts to unlock the device using the Touch ID. The reasons for it may be different: a small wear of the device itself, conditions that make it difficult to scan the finger pad, etc. A monthly update of the recorded fingerprints is said to prevent this problem, according to many users. The latter must be completely deleted and added new ones through the "Add fingerprint".

 replacement of fingerprint scanner iphone 5s

The way to solve the problem is traditional: clean the "Home" button, finger pads, remove old "fingers" from memory and add new ones by standard procedure.

Problems with the App Store

Another problem that can be solved isA malfunction in the scanner when using it in the App Store. In this store, the Touch ID is actually the key for downloading new applications. "Fix" the fingerprint scanner in this case can be like this:

  1. Go to the "Touch ID and Password" section in the "Settings".
  2. Opposite the "App Store, iTunes Store" make the slider inactive.
  3. Reboot the device.
  4. Go back to step 1, activate the slider responsible for the "App Store, iTunes Store".

Scanner Touch ID is broken

The breakdown of the very system of Touch ID is a phenomenoninfrequent, but still possible. In this case, the solution to the problem will be only the replacement of the fingerprint scanner iPhone 5s. To deprive yourself of the possibility of an error, delete all the prints and restart the iPhone. Again, add a fingerprint to the "Touch ID and Password". In case of failure, repeat the procedure a couple of times. If after this the scanner remains blind and deaf to your prints, then only qualified diagnostics and, possibly, repair in the Apple service center will help it.

what to do if the touch id on the iphone does not work

As you saw, the fingerprint scanner oniPhone 5s does not work or functions poorly due to a variety of reasons. With the solution of most problems you can easily and quickly be able to handle on your own - a visit to specialists is only required if the scanner is damaged - to replace it. For a healthy and long operation, it is also important to correctly configure the Touch ID.

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