Vacuum massager for health and weight loss

Vacuum massage performed in the homeconditions, is an excellent alternative to salon procedures. All you need is to purchase a vacuum massager. Advantages of such care are many, but the following are considered basic:

Vacuum Masseur

1) Saving money. The full course of such procedures in beauty salons is not less than 15 000 rubles. In addition, ladies with a natural tendency to fullness and the formation of an "orange crust" will have to repeat this course twice in 1-2 years. Special vacuum simulator ("Gezatone", "Cehuloss", "Henneken" and others) from cellulite or jar are much cheaper. They are always at hand and ready for use at any time.

2) Procedures using vacuum allowrestore muscle tissue after training. They strengthen the connective tissue, significantly improve blood circulation in problem areas and prevent premature aging of the body. Therefore vacuum massager and banks will become indispensable attributes of your beauty salon at home.

Cellulite is called a change in fatty tissue. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to restore the old structure with the help of one vacuum massage procedure. It will take at least five sessions. Although everything will depend on the amount of subcutaneous fat. Vacuum massager, if it is strongly pressed, will remove excess liquid from the tissues. Before using it for the intended purpose, it is necessary to warm up the body thoroughly. Just massage your hands problem areas for at least 5-10 minutes. If you have never conducted such a procedure, you can first start to study about such an instrument, like a vacuum massager, reviews. This can be done at specialized forums and sites, where users share their ways of losing weight.

Vacuum massage reviews

Vacuum massage, carried out in the abdomen,helps to reduce fat deposits and restore the elasticity of the skin. At home, usually used attachments, which are sold in any pharmacy. You can purchase a silicone jar. Its edges are oiled (olive, apricot or sesame). After that, we suck the jar to the skin, gently moving it clockwise. If the massage jar is not at your fingertips, then you can do all these actions using a vacuum massager. At the end of the can or hardware massage, you can make a soft wrap. Another option is to apply to the massage areas an anti-cellulite cream. At the same time from the use of cosmetics based on pepper, ginger and citrus oil is best to give up.

Vacuum cellulite massager

In the benefit of vacuum massage for humanthe organism can not be doubted. However, do not forget that such procedures have certain contraindications. This type of massage does not suit the owners of sensitive skin and those with a tendency to bruising. Anti-cellulite massage with a vacuum is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. There should be no self-medication. Before you try a vacuum massager from cellulite, consult with a physician-therapist about this.

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