Pain in the kidney area

When it hurts in the kidney area, it can indicateon such diseases as nephroptosis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, kidney cancer, renal hydronephrosis and urolithiasis. All these diseases can be accompanied by an inflammatory symptom, manifested by painful sensations.

Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the pelvis. The disease is accompanied not only by pain in the kidney area, but also by an unpleasant squeezing in the side.

The initial stage of nephroptosis does not cause any particular inconvenience.causes. Patients feel aching pain in the lower back. With further development of the disease in the urine analysis, an increased content of erythrocytes and protein is detected. Nephroptosis is also accompanied by a deterioration in the blood supply of the kidneys. In many cases, the ailment provokes loss of appetite and impaired digestive function.

The initial stage of hydronephrosis, as well asNephroptosis does not manifest itself with marked symptoms. The disease is detected accidentally with an infection, during an X-ray or ultrasound. To severe symptoms of hydronephrosis include pain in the kidney or lower back, in some cases, patients feel kidney colic. In the future, the course of the disease is accompanied by the detection of blood in the urine. In addition, palpation reveals an increase in the kidney.

For urolithiasis is characteristic manifestationcolic. However, it should be noted that the early stages of the disease may not show signs, even in the presence of a stone. Renal colic is expressed as a sharp pain in the kidney or in the lower back. However, when the stone passes the lower parts of the ureter, soreness can be felt in the lower part of the abdomen and transmitted to the groin area.

In many cases, the initial stage of cancer is notmanifested by no symptoms. However, there are indirect signs that determine the disease. These include blood in the urine, lethargy, depressive state, a small swelling in the lumbar region, a decrease in appetite, pain in the kidney area. There may also be a rise in blood pressure and temperature, anemia, weight loss, varicose veins in the veins of the spermatic cord. The onset of the inflammatory process can be accompanied by increased soreness in the side, lower abdomen and back, increased sensitivity to touch, nausea, chills, vomiting and frequent urination.

Often patients complain of pain in the left kidney. It should be noted that in many cases, soreness in renal ailments is similar to those that occur with diseases of the large intestine or spleen. Therefore, in some cases it can be difficult to identify problems with the kidneys.

Often attacks happen suddenly. Patients feel a sharp pain in the kidney area. In these cases, you need to ensure absolute peace. An analgesic is used to relieve pain. Necessary is the bed rest.

Relieve soreness with heat. To do this, you can use a heating pad, placing it on the sub-ribbed area and lower back. You can also lie in a hot bath for fifteen minutes. The temperature of the water must be tolerated for the patient. Hot water has a relaxing and analgesic effect on the muscles of the renal pelvis and ureter. However, this procedure is not recommended for patients with radiculitis, heart disease, inflammation of the organs in the abdominal cavity, the elderly.

In case of an attack, call an ambulance. Effective methods of treating renal diseases are prescribed by specialists. It is recommended that the examination in order to exclude signs that are not related to kidney ailments. When manifesting a characteristic symptom, you should consult an oncologist, nephrologist or urologist. For more accurate diagnosis, X-rays and ultrasound are used.

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