English diet 21 days: reviews, menus, recommendations

Low-calorie English diet 21 days, reviewswhich is mostly positive, was designed to quickly lose weight. Weight loss with this diet is slow, but constantly and is 6-15 kilograms for the entire course. The most rich in calories meal is at evening time, but not later than 19.00. A prerequisite is the taking of multivitamins. The break between the courses must be at least six months.

English diet 21 day: the basic principles

  1. Throughout the day, you should drink at least a half to two or two liters of water.
  2. Salt must be replaced with herbs and spices.
  3. Products must be boiled, baked on a grill or steamed.
  4. Eliminate fatty and fried foods.
  5. The latest meal should be held no later than 19 hours.
  6. Before going to bed, take a tablespoon of natural olive oil.
  7. In the morning on an empty stomach - drink 200 ml of boiled water.

English diet 21 days: reviews, diet, menu, results

Permitted products

Of the fruits allowed kiwi, apples with peel,lemons, bananas, pineapples and grapes. From vegetables: potatoes in uniform, carrots, beets, bell peppers, pumpkin, celery, eggplant, green beans, garlic, cabbage, onions, parsley and asparagus. In addition, the use of spices and spices such as black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, dried or fresh herbs (thyme, mint, basil) is allowed. From cereals you can eat buckwheat, oatmeal and brown rice. Not unnecessary in the diet will be nuts: hazelnuts, walnuts or cedar.

Prohibited (Unwanted) Products

This list includes meat and dairy productsproducts, pastries and flour products, black tea, coffee (as an alternative can be used chicory without caffeine), sweets, sugar, salt, nicotine and alcohol, fizzy drinks.

English diet: menu

Breakfast should contain about 200-250 kcal, it can be:

  1. Scrambled eggs or boiled egg, a slice of bran bread, a glass of fresh juice.
  2. 150 grams of oatmeal with milk and a spoonful of raisins, a glass of fresh juice.
  3. 100 grams of cereal porridge with milk and apple.
  4. 250 grams of fruit salad, a glass of yogurt or yogurt.

In the second breakfast should be a maximum of 300-320 kcal, to choose from:

  1. Potatoes in a uniform one piece, 100 grams of cottage cheese, fresh vegetable salad with a spoon of butter, one orange, a pear or an apple.
  2. Vegetarian broth, brynza, whole grain bun, apple or one pear.
  3. Slice of bread, baked beans - 50 grams, fresh fruit 100-120 grams.
  4. Omelette made of cheese, vegetables, mushrooms and two eggs, one apple.

Late lunch or dinner of 500 kcal can be as follows (to choose from):

  1. Hot dish from any legumes and fresh fruit.
  2. Low-fat cheese or brynza, dairy vegetable soup, whole-grain bun, dried apricots.
  3. Large potato in a uniform, baked beans, 400 ml of yogurt.

English diet: the results

With strict adherence to diet and weekly alternation of menus, you can achieve a smooth "care" of two to five kilograms of excess weight per week.

English diet 21 days: reviews

Most of the reviews about this diet are positive, weight loss is gradually, and the results are kept long enough.

There are several more options for the English diet. Here is one of them, which includes three stages. This option is fairly balanced, and it is quite easy to sustain it.

The diet begins with the milk-bread phase,which lasts two days. Breakfast and snack consist of a glass of milk and a slice of rye bread, lunch and dinner from a glass of milk. In case of milk intolerance, it can be replaced with kefir.

The next two days are the protein stage. For breakfast - coffee with milk without sugar, a piece of bread, 15 grams of honey. For lunch - a cup of broth (meat / fish), 150 grams of boiled meat, a slice of rye bread and a tablespoon of peas. For a snack - a glass of tea (milk) and 15 grams of honey. Dinner - 2 eggs (or 50 grams of fish, cheese, lean ham or meat), a glass of yogurt and a slice of rye bread.

Two days later, we need to move on tofruit and vegetable stage. For breakfast - two oranges or apples. Lunch consists of a plate of vegetable soup (not potato), salad or vegetable stew and a piece of rye bread. Snack - fruit (but not bananas), dinner - 30 grams of natural honey and a glass of tea.

Three-stage English diet 21 days: reviews and recommendations

You need to start the diet strictly from the bread and milk stage, then you can go to anyone and alternate them for 20 days.

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