Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment

Constant headaches, heaviness in the back of the head,Numbness in the hands is, most likely, an osteochondrosis of the cervical region. Symptoms can be taken for the manifestation of other diseases, for example, angina or migraine. The sooner the correct picture of the disease is revealed, the better the treatment.

osteochondrosis of the cervical region
Symptoms and Causes

We have to admit that this is a disease of the century. Can we say that before it was not so widespread? Perhaps, yes. If earlier it was a disease of the elderly, now it is much younger. After all, the root cause of painful deformation of the intervertebral cartilage in the neck and back is hypodynamia - an eternal sitting near the desk or in front of the computer in a fixed position, with a bowed head. In the same position, a person stays after work - in the car or at home in front of the TV. The result is dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs that disrupt the blood supply to important arteries leading to the brain. It all starts with a crunch of vertebrae when the head turns, and then there are drawing pains in the back of the neck, neck, shoulders and forearms, numbness of the fingers. If the exact diagnosis is not yet made - osteochondrosis of the cervical region, the symptoms may resemble an attack of angina pectoris, since the pain gives in the arm and sternum. It's not difficult to check it out on your own: if nitroglycerin does not help, then the problem is not in the heart. Although, of course, experiments with health are not welcome at any disease.

 with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

When osteochondrosis of the cervical spineyou need a full-fledged, comprehensive treatment that osteopathic doctor should prescribe. Complex - because only with medicines or only folk remedies with illness can not cope. It takes both, plus physical therapy and therapeutic massage. From medicines, experts certainly recommend a course of so-called chondroprotectors - drugs that stop the process of destruction of cartilages between the vertebrae and repairing cartilaginous tissue. Anti-inflammatory medications are connected - Indomethacin, Voltaren, Chondroxide. If necessary, a course of analgesic and spasmolytic injections, such as the drug "Diclofenac", "Papaverin", can be conducted. A good effect is provided by physiotherapeutic procedures, appointed in parallel with drug treatment.

Therapeutic physical training and massage

It would seem that this part of the treatment of a patient canappoint yourself. This is a huge mistake. Everything concerning the cervical spine is a matter of an experienced, proven neuropathologist, an osteopath, a chiropractor, but not an amateur therapist. Moreover, there are deaths due to sharp manipulation of such "horses". And within the article, that is, at a distance, you can give only general recommendations. So, if the patient suspected osteochondrosis of the cervical region, the symptoms and pain in the back of the neck, headaches, numbness of the fingers, the condition can be alleviated by simple exercises.

  1. Sitting on a chair, with gentle, smooth movements perform circular motions, 15 times in each direction. No sudden movements, especially back!
  2. Tilting the head back and forth, also smoothly and carefully.
  3. "Mill" is an exercise for hands. 50 times (can be increased), twist your arms back and forth, even through pain.
  4. Embrace your head with your hands - thumbs under the chin, the rest of your fingers on the back of your neck and on the back of your neck - and try to stretch the muscles of your neck and vertebrae. Immediately it will become easier.

If these simple exercises are performed betweenbusiness daily, the pain will be greatly reduced. As for the massage - this has already been said: the massage of the neck-collar zone should be performed only by a specialist.

cervical spine diseases

Traditional methods of treatment

Unfortunately, it can not be said that the people'smeans can finally cure osteochondrosis of the cervical region. Symptoms, of course, can be removed, but by and large without the involvement of specialists can not do. What can you do to ease the pain in the neck, head, hands with osteochondrosis? Compresses from medicinal herbs are not bad. So, a juicy sheet of mug or horseradish can be poured with boiling water and attach to the patient's scruff, top with a film and wrapped with a handkerchief. The compress can be kept at least a whole day. What can not you say about a pack of mustard: 50 g of dry powder and aloe juice dilute with alcohol, add a little propolis. In general, it is recommended to apply this mixture at night, and it is actually effective, but do not lead to a burn. Not the last place and the right food. Everyone knows that the first enemy in osteochondrosis is salt, so you need to sharply limit its use. Do not recommend foods that are rich in uric acid - rich meat soups and broths, smoked products, sorrel, spinach. And the main advice is not to start a disease, to start treatment at its first signs.

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