The medicine "Nitrofungin". Reviews. Instructions

The drug "Nitrofungin" belongs to the categorymeans of a combined type that exert antifungal effects. The mechanism of activity is based on the ability of the active ingredient - chloronitrophenol - to suppress the growth of dermatophytes.

nitrofungin contraindications

The medicine "Nitrofungin" from the fungus is prescribeddifferent types. Recommended medication for trichophytosis, epidermophytosis, candidiasis of the skin, candidiasis erosions and dysgidrotic lesions in the interdigital folds of the brushes. Indications include intertriginoznye foot mycoses, fungal infections in the external auditory canal.

Mode of application

The product should be applied externally. Affected areas are treated (rubbed or moistened) twice-thrice a day until the clinical signs of pathology are eliminated. In the presence of an inflammatory process in the acute course on areas with mycosis and eczema, the drug is diluted with water in a proportion of 1: 1. Prevention of recurrence of fungal lesions after complete elimination of symptoms of pathology is carried out for at least four to six weeks. The frequency of the drug is 1-2 times a week.

Nitrofungin from fungus

Adverse Reactions

The medicine "Nitrofungin" (reviews of somepatients testify to this) in some situations provokes allergic dermatitis, skin irritation. In this case, it is recommended to switch to using a drug diluted in water in a 1: 1 ratio. During therapy, it is possible to dye the skin in a light yellow color. If you do not see undesirable consequences in the annotation, a general condition deterioration or no therapeutic result, you should stop using the medication and contact the doctor.

The drug is Nitrofungin. Contraindications

The medicine is not assigned if components are intolerant.

nitrofungin reviews

additional information

About the preparation "Nitrofungin" reviews of specialists ingenerally positive. Doctors note the high efficiency of the drug. The instructions for use warn that the areas treated with the drug should not be exposed to sunlight due to the risk of sensitizing effects of the drug. Caution when prescribing is observed in the presence of infectious complications on the grounds of fungal lesions of the feet, as well as in the signs of eczema. It should be remembered that the preparation is 50% ethanol. The tolerability of "Nitrofungin" (reviews of experts confirm this) is satisfactory in patients of different ages. However, children should be treated with extreme caution under the supervision of a doctor. The administration of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is performed after assessing the ratio of the expected therapeutic benefit and the likely risk to the health of the mother or fetus. When treating affected areas with the drug, you should be careful not to penetrate the medicine inside. When observing safety measures, it is unlikely that the agent will be poisoned. If you accidentally swallow the drug "Nitrofungin" (reviews of patients testify to this) there is indigestion, dizziness, a feeling of heat. You should immediately visit a doctor. Before using the drug, consult a specialist. Do not self-medicate.

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