Bacteriophage coliprotein

Bacteriophage coliprotein liquid is aa combination of phagolysate filtrates showing activity against the most common enteropathogenic escherichia and proteas (mirabilis and vulgaris). Bacteriophage coliprotein is available in the form of a sterile solution of 100 and 20 milliliters in a vial.

The drug is characterized by a high levelselectivity and specificity with respect to the above microorganisms (bacteria). Bacteriophage coliprotein is able to penetrate into the cell of the microbe and cause its death.

The drug is used as a therapy and prevention of enterocolitis (moderate and mild forms of pathology), in the treatment of colpitis coli-protein nature, as well as bacteriocarrier.

Adult medication is prescribed approximatelyhour and a half to two meals (three times) a day. Therapeutic course - five or seven days. In some cases, rectal administration of the drug is permitted. For these purposes, microclysters are used. Dosage (single) - per kilogram of body weight of three milliliters.

Treatment of enterocolitis starts from the first day of the disease, depending on its course, two or three courses (with a gap of three days) for seven or ten days with bacteriological control.

Bacteriophage koliproteyny orally administered twice a day (patients older than three years are allowed three times a day) and once enema patients up to three years.

The drug should be diluted with water inthe first two days of admission. In the absence of side effects (skin rashes, vomiting or frequent regurgitation), the colibrotein bacteriophage is further given undiluted.

The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient. Up to six months, not more than 20 ml enema and 10 ml perorally (the minimum dose of 5 ml), up to twelve months - 20 ml (rectally) and 10-15 ml (oral), up to three years - 40 ml and 15-20 ml, starting from three years - 40-60 ml and 20 ml respectively.

Bacteriophage is used in infectious focifor the prevention of enterocolitis. In this case, all children with half a year who were in contact with patients, the drug is given orally in accordance with the age of 10 to 30 ml twice with a break of three days. Recommended reception before meals for an hour and a half.

Therapy of colpitis is carried out from the first dayillness taking into account the course of pathology by one or two courses in five or seven days. Apply tampons twice a day or intravaginal irrigation 10 ml tampons are laid for two or three hours.

The use of a bacteriophage, the use of other medications does not exclude.

There are no data on contraindications, as well as application during lactation and pregnancy.

As practice shows, purified bacteriophagecoliprotein usually does not cause negative manifestations in patients. Allergic reactions are also not noted. In rare cases, patients in the first days of life (newborns) may experience skin rashes or frequent regurgitation as side effects.

Colibrotein bacteriophage reviews in patientsafter the application has mostly positive. Many people are attracted to a minimum of side effects and the possibility to use medicines for children at a very early age.

Specialists note that the drug is recommended to be administered after bacteriological analysis and under the control of this study.

Directly before use, the medication in the vial should be shaken well. The bacteriophage should be transparent. It is strictly prohibited to take a cloudy solution.

Shelf life of the drug is a year, storage is recommended in a dark, dry place with a temperature of two to ten degrees.

You can buy the drug in pharmacies if you have a prescription.

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