Septoplasty: reviews after surgery

Difficulties with health can have variedcharacter. So, for example, the curvature of the nasal septum only at first glance seems to be an insignificant physical defect that does not affect human life. Nevertheless, these phenomena (no matter whether it is innate or acquired) can lead to a host of other unpleasant consequences. Does your husband snore for years? Is it difficult for your child to breathe through the nose? Do you often have a headache? The reason can be covered in the deformation of the nasal septum. This deficiency can not be corrected without surgery. It has a specific name - septoplasty. With its help, you can fix a curved septum and permanently get rid of the unpleasant symptoms that have accompanied you for a long time. What is this operation? How is it tolerated by patients? What do they say about their feelings during the procedure, and also during the postoperative period? How soon can I return to normal life? Can everyone be prescribed septoplasty? The answers to these and some other questions are discussed in detail in this article.

septoplasty reviews

What is it?

What is septoplasty nasalpartitions? Feedback and specialists define the procedure as a kind of surgical intervention with the purpose of individual correction of the nasal septum (namely its shape). After carrying out such an operation, the patient no longer experiences difficulties with nasal breathing. Among other things, he is no longer bothered by ENT diseases caused by a deformed septum of the nose. Important! Do not confuse septoplasty with rhinoplasty. The shape of the nose does not change with the type of operation under consideration. The purpose of the procedure is exclusively correction of the septum. However, these types of surgical intervention can be combined if there is appropriate evidence for this.

Reviews after septoplasty

It is obvious that it would be unreasonable to agree toany kind of treatment before you find out all the available information about this. It is important to find out exactly what you will have to face, how much money to plan, what alternatives exist, and whether there can be additional difficulties. Typically, this kind of information can be learned only from those who have already been treated by the method you have chosen. Only this opinion can be considered reliable, because not all specialists warn of the danger of interference (although they must) and paint in all colors the unsightly sides of such procedure as septoplasty of the nose. The patient's feedback in this case will help much more.

So, what do they say about the operation under considerationPatients? For most of them, this procedure was the only way to remedy the physical disability that so interfered with the normal course of their lives. As a rule, significant improvements become especially noticeable already in the post-operative period, immediately after rehabilitation ends. Breathing through the nose no longer causes any difficulties, snoring disappears forever, a number of chronic diseases, caused by deformation of the nasal septum (for example, sinusitis), disappear. According to the patients, they did not experience any painful sensations during the surgical intervention. However, if local anesthesia is used, you should be prepared for a crunch in the nose, the need to spend some time without movement and some other inconveniences.

septoplasty nasal septum reviews

Types of septoplasty

The operation under consideration can be carried outin two alternative ways. This is an endoscopic method, as well as a method involving the use of laser technology. It would be reasonable to consider each of them in more detail.

1. Endoscopic septoplasty of the nasal septum

Reviews report that this is the methodmost popular among patients. The operation under consideration leaves no visible traces of surgical intervention, since all incisions are made exclusively on the mucous membrane of the nose. As a rule, the integrity of the septum remains in full, except in cases when the cause of curvature was physical injury (in such situations, some fragments of tissue have to be removed). Directly the operation takes from thirty to forty minutes. The whole complex of measures, together with the preparation of the patient and the introduction of anesthesia, lasts no more than one hour. Anesthesia, which is used during surgery, can be general, local or combined. Regardless of the choice, no pain will be felt, judging by how endoscopic septoplasty is characterized by patients. The patient's feedback allows us to conclude that you do not need to be afraid of pain. After the procedure, a short rehabilitation period should necessarily follow.

endoscopic septoplasty nasal septum reviews

2. Laser septoplasty of the nasal septum

Reviews often recommend this particular speciesinterference as the least stressful for the patient. Obviously, in this case, a laser beam is used during the operation. During surgery, only local anesthesia is used. The whole procedure takes no more than half an hour. Its undeniable advantages over the previous type of treatment is absolute non-traumatism and bloodlessness. Therefore, many people like laser septoplasty. The postoperative period (reviews make a special emphasis on this) is faster than usual and, what is extremely important, absolutely painless. During rehabilitation it is not necessary to lie in a hospital, and also to apply turundas (tight tampons that are inserted into the nasal passages). Nevertheless, not everyone can choose the method in question. This is due to the fact that the procedure has a number of contraindications. Also, the method is ineffective in situations where curvature affects not only cartilaginous, but also other tissues.

 laser septoplasty nasal septum reviews


There are a number of reasons why specialistsrecommend their patients to decide on such an operation as septoplasty of the nasal septum. Reviews of doctors - just a storehouse of useful information. There is information about them in this regard as well.

The main indication of the physician is the difficulty of breathing caused by deformation of the nasal septum.

In addition, this pathology can cause many other unpleasant phenomena and diseases. Among them are:

  • sinusitis (inflammation of the nasal sinuses both in the frontal part and in the maxillary sinuses);
  • frequent severe pain in the head (although the curvature of the nasal septum can be only one of many causes that provoked such a condition);
  • unpleasant noise that occurs during the breathing process;
  • persistent bleeding from the nose, arising for no apparent reason;
  • strong snoring;
  • swelling of the mucosa, which sometimes becomes the cause of allergic rhinitis;
  • constant exposure to a variety of colds.

Sometimes it is because of the wrong shape of the noseThe septum itself deforms the nose itself, and also the hump are formed on it. The only solution to the problem in this case may be septoplasty. Reviews (after the operation many patients share their impressions in social networks and on thematic forums) contain information that the results of the procedure are simply excellent.

An important point is the fact that the cartilaginousThe fabric continues to grow and change its shape up to twenty-one years. Therefore, it is forbidden to conduct the operation under consideration for patients who have not yet reached this age. Otherwise, perhaps in the future such surgical interventions will have to be repeated. On the other contraindications read below.

 septoplasty reviews after surgery


Not everyone is available septoplasty nasalpartitions. The reviews are strongly recommended to check in advance the existing contraindications to this procedure. This will help in the future to avoid all sorts of unpleasant consequences. So, who is opposed to septoplasty? The responses of experts allow us to fully answer this question. Surgical intervention is not performed in the following cases:

  • in the presence of any infectious diseases (especially relevant in case of their exacerbation);
  • if the patient's age is less than twenty-one years;
  • in the presence of diabetes or some other disease that provokes a clotting disorder;
  • in the presence of cancer.


How much can septoplasty cost? Reviews called different numbers. Obviously, the cost of the procedure depends to a large extent on how difficult the operation is, how badly the nasal septum is deformed, what type of anesthesia will be used, how long the patient will need to spend in the inpatient department of the medical institution. Also, a significant role is played by the region in which septoplasty will be performed. Moscow (reviews confirm this), for example, is a region where even a simple operation will cost an order of magnitude more expensive.

In general, if the curvature of the nasal septumfrivolous and innate, the procedure will cost the patient about fifty thousand rubles. If the pathology was acquired during life as a result of injuries, serious fractures, the cost may vary, and exclusively to a greater extent, and even reach up to one hundred and fifty thousand rubles. That is why it is important to get all the necessary information in advance, after consulting with a competent surgeon.

The price, which he will call to you, usually already includes the following items:

  • anesthesia, which will be used during the operation;
  • the whole complex of preparatory surveys, which includes consultations of competent specialists, necessary analyzes and so on;
  • directly septoplasty (the cost of the operation itself);
  • postoperative care of the patient (bandaging, treatment of healing wounds);
  • the period of stay of the patient in a medical institution (in a hospital during rehabilitation).


Before you proceed directly tooperation, the patient must be prepared. For the beginning the doctor will appoint or nominate analyzes and some inspections. As a rule, this list is limited to the analysis for blood coagulability, fluorography, blood tests for diseases such as HIV, hepatitis and syphilis, an electrocardiogram, general blood and urine tests, a biochemical blood test, and a consultation with an otolaryngologist.

How many stages does septoplasty consist of? Reviews recommend that you familiarize yourself with the progress of the operation in advance.

septoplasty postoperative period reviews

The first stage is comprehensive preparation of the patient. It is at this stage that anesthesia is administered. As a rule, septoplasty is performed under local anesthesia. Reviews say that some discomfort is still present, since it is impossible to abstract from what is happening.

The second stage is this directly surgicalintervention. The operation begins with the fact that the doctor makes small incisions in the nose (namely on the mucous membrane). After that, the surgeon is engaged in the detachment of soft tissues, removes deformed parts of the cartilaginous tissue (septum). Then the doctor straightens it, moving the bone (or cartilaginous) fragments.

The third stage is the final stage. All incisions are covered with special seams (they do not need to be removed, they will dissolve independently). On the nose impose a plaster or a bandage intended for it. Further in the nasal passages insert turundas (in the case of endoscopic septoplasty). The reviews say that they usually have to wear at least twenty-four hours after the operation. Sometimes doctors recommend not to remove tampons at least seventy-two hours.

What is the difference between laser septoplasty? Reviews tell us about its advantages: outpatient holding, no need to apply seams and use tampons for the nose. Also, you do not have to spend the rehabilitation period in the hospital.


So, suppose you have read the wholeaccessible information about this procedure, including what they say about the operation called "septoplasty" reviews. After surgery, can there be new, unforeseen difficulties?

It is important to remember that the patient, no doubt,a rehabilitation period is required. Its duration will depend directly on the condition of the particular operated. But, as a rule, the rehabilitation period does not last long. Anyway, so they report a procedure called "septoplasty" reviews.

After the operation (within two to three days), the patientwill have to use special fixing tampons for the nose. They are not very comfortable. Besides, all this time you'll have to breathe with your mouth. Because of the stress, the body can respond with fever, severe headaches, and unusual dry mouth. Discomfort will take place soon after the patient gets rid of tampons.

Another unpleasant consequence of interference withThe name of septoplasty reviews refers to the swelling of the nose. It also causes a known discomfort, because it prevents breathing freely. All inconveniences, as a rule, disappear after seven to ten days after the operation. Completely the patient is restored and can return to normal life after two weeks. Nevertheless, certain restrictions still remain. So, from intensive physical exertion it is necessary to refrain for at least one more month.

septoplasty moscow reviews


Septoplasty is a very simple operation, thereforeThe probability of occurrence of complications after its carrying out is minimal. Usually patients talk about bleeding and infectious diseases that develop against their background. To avoid this, one should not forget that some drugs may increase the risk of bleeding. Therefore, before septoplasty it is necessary to consult a doctor and inform him about what medications you are taking now or taken shortly before contacting the clinic. Very rarely there are cases of changes in the external shape of the nose or damage to the nerve endings after the septoplasty. In order to protect yourself from this, it is important to apply only to proven, highly qualified doctors who will not allow such gross errors.


Septoplasty is an operation that has helpedmany times and for all to get rid of burdensome symptoms of diseases, which causes curvature of the nasal septum. Despite the fact that the procedure in question has enough evidence to be assigned to thousands of people, it has a number of serious contraindications that can not be ignored in order not to cause even greater harm to one's health. Sometimes the consequences of an operation performed in the presence of contraindications can seriously aggravate the patient's pre-operative condition.

In the pursuit of good health, trykeep steadiness. This is not enough for many people today, because of what they make mistakes that harm their physical and emotional state. Do not fall into their number. Be always healthy!

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