Fungal diseases: features of prevention and treatment

Fungal diseases on the present day are quite common. Foot fungal infections are especially common. They arise because of the fact that the fungus begins to develop on the skin of the feet. It is transferred through various objects of common use, shoes, clothes, as well as through direct contact with a sick person. Especially often you can pick it up in public places (city baths, saunas, gyms). The development of the disease can be facilitated by any wound on the skin.

fungal diseases
It should be noted that the skin is most often affectedthose people who have weakened immunity. Fungal diseases can have different manifestations. On the feet, for example, the skin begins to peel, and sometimes red spots appear on it. The stain on the nail plates, their thickening or delamination, also speak of the problem. Also between the fingers can be found quite deep cracks. And sometimes on the skin can arise bubbles. Naturally, all these signs are accompanied by itching and pain.

It should be noted that fungal diseases are treatedlong enough. It all depends on the degree of skin damage and the severity of the problem. First of all, you need to focus on the type of microorganisms that caused damage. After this, the preparation is selected (ointment, gel, spray), which will be destructive to act on it. However, local treatment alone does not always help. Sometimes you have to take extra pills. Currently, treatment of fungal diseases is carried out with drugs that have a wide range of effects.

treatment of fungal diseases
Treatment of fungal diseases is carried out froma few weeks to many months. You can not start a disease, then it will be much harder to get rid of it. Complex treatment with immunostimulants, antifungal and antimicrobial agents can often be indicated. In the process of eliminating the problem, personal hygiene must be carefully observed. It is advisable to disinfect the apartment, clothes and shoes. Also, do not use shared slippers, towels and soap. Naturally, there are folk recipes that are quite effective in eliminating defeat. But here, nevertheless, it is worth consulting with the doctor.

fungal diseases of the legs
Fungal diseases of the legs bring weightdiscomfort, so it is better to provide all preventive measures that will help to protect their own health. To do this, try to take in the bath or sauna removable slippers, try not to use someone else's soap or a towel. Also, do not sweat feet in shoes or wear tight shoes. Ideally, shoes should be made of natural materials.

If you wet your feet, then try as hard as possiblefaster to dry them. The fact is that moisture contributes to the rapid development of fungal diseases. It should be noted that ultraviolet helps fight the problem, so try to take off your shoes as often as possible and give your legs a tan. All footwear should be periodically disinfected with the help of special antifungal agents.

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