"Moskvich-2335": technical characteristics, photo

When developing a fourth-generation AZLKSeveral modifications were made: a base hatchback, a sedan, a minivan, a minibus, a pickup truck and a number of others. "Moskvich-2335" is a pickup truck, created using the components and components of the car "Moskvich-2141".

Development of a pickup truck

Previous attempt AZLK to create a pickup suffereda complete collapse - an experienced pickup truck built in the late 1970s based on the Moskvich-2734 van was not admitted to production. For several years the main and only manufacturer of cargo-passenger cars was the IZH plant.

Development of a pickup truck with carrying capacity up to 650 kgbegan with the development of the base sedan. When creating a pickup truck on the basis of "Moskvich-2141" there were difficulties in layout. If earlier it was obtained by cutting a part of the body behind the front row of seats, then the features of the "forty-first" body did not allow such an operation. The main problem was a short rear overhang and a rear suspension with low payload parameters. The pickup of such a circuit would have an extremely low payload.

Muscovite 2335

The design team of AZLK, realizing thistask and using the experience of the world automotive industry, found a way to solve the problem. Structurally, the pickup was a compilation from the front of the Moskvich-2141 (cut off from the central pillar) and a metal cargo platform.

Features of the pickup body

The proposed body structure with its ownsimplicity has a big problem - reducing stiffness. What was done? The necessary rigidity can be achieved by closing the rear of the platform with a dead board. But then there are difficulties when loading the cargo hold of the pickup truck.

To ensure rigidity and keep the foldingrear side in the design of the cargo part of the car "Moskvich-2335" introduced a series of amplifiers associated with the spars of the front. What in the end? Cargo platform boards received internal amplifiers. This improved the design. The seat of the rear wall of the cabin and cargo platform was also strengthened.

To increase the useful volume of cargoplatforms on 120 mm have increased a wheelbase (in comparison with base "Moskvich-2141"). Due to this the length of the platform "Moskvich-2335" increased by 15 percent compared to the IL-2715 and reached 1870 mm. The width of the platform was almost the same - 1440-1450 mm. But the AZLK pickup due to the front drive had narrower wheel arches, which increased the useful volume of the cargo compartment.

Muscovite 2335 photo

But this is not all the features. The sides of the cargo hold from the inside to the Moskvich-2335 were closed with plastic lining. The plastic casing was supposed to be put on the floor, but this part was not mastered in production.

Rear suspension

Rear suspension "Moskvich-2335" was subjected toradical revision. Instead of springs and rods used leaf springs from the old generation - "Moskvich-2140". The problem was a significant (more than two times) difference in the weight of the rear of the empty and fully loaded machine. For this purpose, two sheets of bend radius other than the basic sheets were added to the structure of the springs. With a small load, the main parts worked. And when fully loaded, the main sheets were siped, and the body began to rest on the ends of two additional sheets.

Pick-up truck and transmission

For a long time, the main engine supplier forAZLK was the Ufa Engine Plant. The pickup, which was equipped with different motors of this manufacturer, was not an exception. The basic option was the 75-strong UZAM 331 (version 23352). In addition, 85-strong UZAM 3317 (1,699 liters, model of pick-up 233522) was used to pickup pickups.

Muscovite 2335 specifications

The main pair had a ratio of 4.55. This number was used for all universals and pickups of the AZLK since the 1960s. Since the car (due to operational features) required a larger power reserve, the volume of the fuel tank was increased to 60 liters.

Series machines

The pickups were produced in small batches on a separate assembly line. Issue "Moskvich-2335" began in 1994 and continued until the first stop of the conveyor plant in 1996.

In 1997, JSC "Moskvich" carried out restylingthe base car 2141, which was externally expressed in the replacement of the front tail and the introduction of narrow headlights. Photo of "Moskvich-2335" after restyling is presented below.

Muscovite 2335 for the military

For three years, since 1999, the planthas produced a number of upgraded pickups of the Moskvich-2335 model. The technical characteristics of these units remained unchanged. A number of cars in the form of machine kits were sent to the assembly in Omsk. Initially, it was planned to collect a hundred and fifty pickup trucks. However, in reality they were much less.

Small and series versions of the pickup truck

One of the attempts to expand the market wasthe creation of a four-seat pick-up truck 23351 with a wheelbase increased by 20 cm. Originally planned to introduce a four-door cabin, but this idea was abandoned due to lack of funds for new rigging and insufficient strength of the structure.

To accommodate a cabin with two rows of seatsIt was necessary to considerably shorten the cargo platform. Due to this length it was possible to create space for four passengers in the cabin. The doors of increased width were taken from the coupe "Duet", another unsuccessful project of JSC "Moskvich". The rest of the cabin was assembled from the elements of the standard cockpit "Moskvich-2335" and the roof of the sedan "Prince Vladimir".

About a hundred bodies were produced, of which 44 cars were assembled. The rest of the details remained rusted on the territory of OAO Moskvich.

Together with the company-manufacturer of carsfor the ambulance "Samotlor" was built a single model of a car ambulance. Instead of a cargo platform, a box with a high roof was installed, with windows in the sides and an additional door in the right side.

Version of pick-up truck "Moskvich-2335" for military

In a vain attempt to expand the sales markets"Moskvich" tried to enter the market of army cars. For these purposes, a variant of a pickup truck with a four-wheel drive was developed under the designation "Moskvich-2344" (pictured below). The rear drive was realized with the aid of a rigidly mounted gearbox and a pair of shafts with a CV joint.

For the all-wheel drive vehicle, a more powerful two-liter motor UZAM-248 was used. There were developments with a short and long base.

москвич 2335 pickup truck

Two short wheelbase cars with color incamouflage and with the base for the turret installation of the machine gun was transported through the exhibitions in search of customers. The cars were not in demand, like all the ideas of JSC "Moskvich" of the late 90's.

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