Is it necessary to use a washing oil

All car owners are divided into two types - those whoconsiders it necessary to flush the engine, and those who think that the flushing oil can not be used. Let's try to understand how things stand in practice.

On the one hand, if you know what it was exactlyfilled in the engine, and do not intend to change the brand of the product, then this procedure can be neglected. However, it is worthwhile to apply the washing oil when this work is carried out for the first time. Or you bought a car from your hand and do not know what was used in the engine earlier. Also, this procedure should be carried out when replacing one fluid with another one or in case the engine is rather dirty.

flushing oil

Some of the car owners do not usewashing oil for the engine even when moving from one brand to another, which is strictly prohibited. When mixing two different means of this type, the mixture may become stagnant. As a result, the engine parts will start to clog with the suspended suspension, and repairs are inevitable.

flushing oil

When replacing oil, often car owners changemanufacturer's make. Many of them do not even think about what damage the engine can cause if they do not wash it before that. Of course, you can conduct a small experiment. To do this, take a little oil (hot), which has already been filled in the car, and mix it with the one you want to use now. If nothing happens during this procedure, then in principle you can fill it up as well. But as soon as the first traces of coagulation appear, it is necessary to use the washing oil. Lukoil is one of the most common brands that drivers prefer for this procedure.

In fact, there are several ways,which are used to flush the engine. The first is to use the so-called "five minutes", and the second - to use the washing oil. What are the first means? These are special concentrates, which when pouring them into the engine produce a momentary cleaning and merge together with the old oil. However, their use can lead to disastrous consequences in the form of replacing oil seals. This is due to the fact that with the use of such tools, there is, let's say, quite aggressive cleaning of the engine. When merging with the oil, deposits are also deposited on the engine parts that it needs. Of course, some believe that the correct use of "five-minute" does not lead to these consequences. That is, it is necessary to withstand a certain time (a couple of minutes), use only imported means. Filling the engine with fast cleaners to rinse it, you play a game - lucky, unlucky. Therefore, your business, but the choice to do better, considering each step.

engine oil
Unlike previous means, washingThe oil is used only after the discharge of the old one. Fill it should also for a few minutes, after which the engine is emptied and replaced. It is less aggressive and flushes only the suspension, leaving positive particles in place. However, the washing oil also has a minus. Due to the fact that in most cases this type of funds is made on the basis of minerals, it can not be combined with synthetic products. In this case, you can simply use the same brand to flush the engine, which you are going to pour into it. Only to make its replacement should be much earlier. That is, they drained the old oil, poured in a new one, drove a short period, and again replaced it.

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