VAZ 2114, owner reviews

The car VAZ 2114 appeared in 2001 and immediatelyhas gained popularity among Russian citizens. Many wanted to experience driving on a modern machine that has such an attractive appearance and good characteristics. Now, among the huge choice of vehicles, the VAZ 2114 is a little lost. Reviews about this model will help you decide on a choice if you can not decide whether to buy a foreign car or a domestic car.

Immediately it is worth noting that an unambiguous answer about the quality of the car can not be found. For each driver there are their own concepts about what characteristics the VAZ 2114 should possess.

Vaz 2114 reviews
Reviews of owners can be divided into twocategories: bad and good. Negative opinion is formed with a quick breakdown of the car. Many car owners have encountered a poor-quality assembly of the fourteenth model. However, they do not talk about how much the car is in motion. No transport can withstand the heavy load and constant driving at maximum speed. So, the VAZ 2114, whose technical specifications indicate the permitted acceleration to 160 km / h, will quickly wear out if you bring the speedometer needle up to this pointer.

Car owners claim that the company VAZ is notknows how to collect cars. The fourteenth model is no exception. Only this can be argued. Ask the older generation how much time their cars have served them. And earlier in Russia there was no such quantity of foreign cars, on roads it was possible to see VAZ 2106, 2107 and so on. And these cars served their owners for several decades. Therefore, the build quality of the manufacturer is excellent, which many foreign companies can envy. Thanks to this, repairs are easier, and spare parts do not have to be sought from authorized dealers, spending time and fabulous amounts.

VAZ 2114 specifications
And now about the positive aspects of VAZ 2114. Reviews of owners agree in one: with these characteristics the car has quite an acceptable price. Foreign car for an identical cost can be bought, but it will be less attractive and more difficult to manage. The fourteenth model has a sporty style, a spacious interior and the ability to increase the volume of the trunk by folding the seats. I like the owners easy manual control, convenient switching of speeds. The car easily and smoothly enters into turns, and also carries out fast braking as necessary.
Vaz 2114 owner reviews
VAZ 2114, reviews of which predominantlypositive, ideal for young people who only learn the principle of riding. No wonder that practically in all driving schools there is a fourteenth model for training students.

If you decide to choose the VAZ 2114,The reviews should not scare you. Remember that due care and regular diagnostics will allow you to increase the service life of transport and reduce the cost of repairs. In other cases, when car owners can not comply with the requirements for operation, not only the model presented, but also any expensive foreign car will fail.

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