Replacing the valves "Daewoo Nexia" (8 valves) with their own hands

Engine repairs may require replacementvalves on the "Daewoo Nexia" (8 valves). It should be noted that there is no standard adjustment procedure - there is simply nothing to change the gap between the pushers and the legs of the valves. On the cars are installed hydraulic compensators, which independently select the necessary clearance. The system is reliable, works perfectly and does not require additional care. But sometimes there are problems - the valves are broken, so they need replacement. It is very important to maintain the normal state of all units and assemblies in order to increase the life of the engine as a whole.

What you need to replace the valves

valve replacement deu nexia 8 valves

Required when replacing valves on the "Daewoo Nexia"(8 valves) it is necessary to purchase a set of new products. Without this, just do not try to start repair. Also you should have such tools and spare parts:

  1. Set of heads and ratchet.
  2. Torque wrench.
  3. Powerful magnet.
  4. Plastic sleeve.
  5. Valve packing set.
  6. If necessary, change the pushers of hydraulic compensators.
  7. Screwdriver or drill with the ability to adjust the rotation speed.
  8. Paste for grinding the valves.
  9. New cylinder head gaskets and covers.

In general, repair and replacement occur in the same way as on other cars with internal combustion engines.

Preparation for withdrawal

Before removing the cylinder head, it is necessary to perform several actions:

  1. Disconnect the negative power cable from the battery.
  2. Dismantle all attachments, protective covers.
  3. Remove the timing belt from the camshaft.

Be sure to remove the body and air filter, get rid of all the elements that can prevent the dismantling of cylinder head.

replacement of a range of mesh deu nexia 8 valves

Completely remove the timing beltmechanism is not needed, if you do not plan to change it. But it is recommended to perform a complete replacement of all components related to the cylinder head - this will ensure the best quality of repair.

What you need to grind the valves

It is necessary to carry out grinding of newvalves (or old, if the integrity is broken). The procedure is very simple, when replacing the valves "Daewoo Nexia" (8 valves), you must follow the same rules as when repairing any other car. You will need this set of tools:

  1. Screwdriver or drill with reverse and speed adjustment.
  2. The length of the hose, the inner diameter of the hose must be the same as the outside diameter of the valve stem.
  3. Lapping paste of two types: for thin and rough work.

Be sure to carry out repairs in a clean room, so that dirt does not get inside the mechanisms.


dea nexia 8 valves belt replacement

When replacing the timing of the "Daewoo Nexia" (8 valves)it is necessary to carry out the lapping procedure. But you need to adhere to the rule - each valve is rubbed against one hole, so you need to mark them with a marker. The procedure is simple:

  1. Install the valve in place, put a rubber hose on its leg and fix it with a yoke.
  2. In the drill clamp the piece of metal (the leg from the old valve will fit) and fix the clamp.
  3. Apply a paste to the valve plate for coarse lapping.
  4. Do the rotation at a low speed indifferent sides. And you need to do 5-7 turns clockwise and as much against. This will ensure the most dense contact surfaces. It is more convenient for this work to use a hand drill.
  5. After the completion of rough grinding, it is necessary to wash off the paste and apply fine-grained.
  6. Again, rotate the drill, you need to achieve maximum contact surfaces.

Under this scheme, the lapping of all othervalves. Be sure to thoroughly rinse the cylinder head after completion of the work, so that no traces of paste remain - it can get onto the pistons, which will lead to rapid wear of the engine components.

Tools for replacement of hydraulic compensators

belt replacement grm deu nexia 8 valves

In order to replace the cylinder head "Daewoo Nexia"(8 valves), you will need to do all the work - grinding the valves, installing hydraulic compensators and stuffing boxes, camshaft. But if the hydraulic compensators are replaced, it is not necessary to remove the head - just remove the camshafts and cover. You will need this set of tools:

  1. Candlestick key (preferably broken, as it is necessary to saw it).
  2. Drying machine for cars VAZ "classic" series.
  3. Set of heads, ratchet.

Disassembly of timing drive

In a similar scenario, the "Daewoo Nexia" camshaft (8 valves) is replaced. You need to perform such manipulations:

  1. Remove the valve cover.
  2. Unscrew the upper part of the cover that covers the timing belt.
  3. Unscrew the asterisk and slide it slowly. Be sure to hang it on the wire so that it does not fall down and the belt does not move on it.
  4. If you do not want to shoot an asterisk, you canraise one side of the car and turn on the fifth gear - it will be much easier. You can rotate the crankshaft by rotating the wheel hung. One disadvantage is that it is difficult to catch the position of the camshaft.
  5. Close all drain holes during the repair.

When replacing the oil-removable caps "Daewoo Nexia" (8valves) the same manipulations are performed, but only have to use the tin rod. With its help, the valve position is fixed at the top point. But if you perform the dismantling of cylinder head, try to simultaneously replace all the elements.

Replacing Hydraulic Compensators

replacement of hbc deu nexia 8 valves

This is what you might need to repairgas distribution system, in extreme cases, the valves are replaced. "Daewoo Nexia" (8 valves) is equipped with a system that automatically adjusts the thermal gap. To remove and replace the hydraulic compensators, you need to do the following:

  1. Turn the camshaft in such a way that its convex part is at the top. In this case, a lot of space will be freed up.
  2. In the place of attachment of the valve cover, it is necessary to screw the bolt to install the tool.
  3. Install the spark plug key in front of the screwed bolt. At the same time, the edges should be at the bottom.
  4. From the wire you need to make a hook. Click on the speculum (it is fixed on one side with a bolt, and its second part presses the candle key and the valve washer).
  5. After clicking on the speculator, you need to stir the rocker. Lift the part located on the hydraulic compensator.
  6. Now it's time to use the hook - slip it under the hydraulic compensator and pull out the element.

Instead of a hook, you can use a powerful magnet - with it, the work is done much faster. You can immediately remove both compensators. Reassemble in the reverse order.

Removing the Timing Belt

replacing camshaft deu nexia 8 valves

When replacing the belts "Daewoo Nexia" (8 valves) you needperform a number of preparatory actions - without this, the repair will not work. It is necessary to install all the pulleys on the marks - this will ensure the proper functioning of all engine systems, reduce the consumption of gasoline, increase power. To dismantle the drive belt, do the following:

  1. Put the car on a flat horizontal platform, turn on the gear and squeeze the handle.
  2. The front right wheel must be poddomkratit and removed.
  3. Disconnect the negative terminal from the battery, disconnect all hoses and clamps that may prevent dismantling.
  4. Using a key on 13, loosen the bolt of the generator, then move its housing and loosen the belt tension.
  5. Remove the top part of the plastic cover by removing all bolts from the key by 10.
  6. Remove the two bolts below which are located on the engine protection. Having accessed the bolt on the crankshaft pulley, unscrew it. It is advisable to pre-treat the threaded joint with a penetrating lubricant.

After that, unscrew the bolts securing the bottom cover, completely remove the timing belt. Now it remains only to put the shafts on the marks and pull the new belt.

Installing a new belt

Be sure to match the labels:

  1. On the pulley of the camshaft, it must be pointed upwards.
  2. On the crankshaft pulley - down.

Be sure to install a new tension roller -It has a triangular slot at the back, with its help you can control the belt tension. After replacing the belt timing "Daewoo Nexia" (8 valves), you need to make a tension - this requires that the holes in the pointer match.

replacement of oil removable caps deu nexia 8 valves

After the holes match, you need to install them in themmetal rod. After this, the fastening nut of the roller is tightened, and the entire assembly is assembled. You can pull the belt with a pump, but it's harder. Be sure to check the matching of all marks after tightening the belt. To do this, turn the crankshaft 2-3 turns and check the position of the pulleys.

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