Opel Astra Family - an excellent car for family trips

The German car brand Opel is widely knownworldwide. The following modifications were made: since 2004 - a hatchback, since 2007 - a sedan. After the appearance of the 4th generation of sedans in 2009, their production was postponed. In particular, in Russia, in Kaliningrad, was launched the production of cars of this brand, which received the name of Astra Family. They are designed to travel around the city as a whole family. The interior of the Opel Astra Family is very comfortable and spacious. Due to the fact that it has a lot of glazed space, the salon seems even more. In the car there are competently created and comfortable armchairs, an intuitive instrument panel, a modern air-conditioning system, there is a high-quality audio system. Opel Astra possesses excellent characteristics, provides safety during trips and has a beautiful design that is thought out with taste.

Opel Astra Family

Vehicle Specification

In 2013, a new model of the car was releasedOpel Astra Family sedan, reviews it deserves only positive character. If you compare with the models released earlier, changes in its appearance are visible in its appearance, which touched on the appearance, dimensions, additional functions. The new Opel Astra car has a smooth silhouette of the hull, a body of a sports type. And visually the car looks elegant, and the dimensions of its roomy trunk are visually invisible. The back of the car is decorated with lanterns that have an original shape, and a spoiler built into the trunk lid.

Opel Astra Family - reviews of car owners

A car belonging to a new generationsedans Opel Astra Family, in comparison with its previous modifications received increased dimensions. It has become more convenient and spacious. The wheelbase of Opel is 2685 mm, the length of the car is 4 m 65.8 cm. In volume, the trunk is slightly inferior to the previous models, it is equal to 460 liters. Its capacity can be increased, for which the folding rear seat back is used.

The four types of engine that are equippedThe cars have power from 100 to 180 hp. They work on gasoline. The Opel Astra Family car has a 6-speed automatic gearbox. There are also models equipped with three diesel engines, which use fuel very economically. They are considered environmentally friendly, since their emissions polluting the atmosphere are minimal. The new Opel Astra has additional functions. These include the following: the possibility of switching in automatic mode of bi-xenon headlights from far-away to low beam, navigation system with maps. Adaptive suspension with 3 modes of operation allows you to ensure the stability of the car on any road.

Opel Astra Family sedan - reviews

Reviews of car owners

Car enthusiasts who have chosen the German brandcar Opel Astra Family, reviews leave enthusiastic and grateful. They call the unit very high-quality, reliable. The interior is spacious and convenient for both passengers and drivers. Motorists like that there are many settings for the driver's seat, the ability to adjust the steering wheel. Due to the beautiful soundproofing of the cabin, no foreign sounds enter into it, and during the trip it is possible to conduct a conversation with the passengers. Fuel car spends sparingly. When driving on a highway for 100 km - about 7 liters. There is a climate control and a convenient display on the front panel.

Choosing Opel Astra Family, car enthusiasts receivevery high-quality unit, which has a beautiful design, economical fuel consumption and convenient roomy interior. These characteristics of it cause positive feedback from customers and provide pleasure during the trip.

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