Write-off of fuels and lubricants. Costs or profits?

Despite various beliefs and theories, the wholethe world today is dependent on oil. It is an integral component for most of the things around us. The main among them is fuel, which every year only becomes more expensive. In this regard, the write-off of fuel and lubricants and their accounting are considered to be key for any machine-related industries. A clear system and close supervision sometimes allow you to save up to 30% of the funds for transportation.

Writing off fuel and lubricants
In the calculations, as a rule, twothe main criterion: the distance and fuel consumption per 100 km. Today, the procedure for writing off fuel and lubricants is clearly regulated and issued in a separate document. As a rule, such a certificate is issued for a certain period of time and signed by a specially authorized person. This procedure is necessary for any enterprise, though somehow related to road transport. According to the decree of the Ministry of Transport of 2003, the tax authorities have every right to study all the information on spending on fuel. The established long-standing practice has shown that writing off fuels on road lists is the most perfect system to date.

In large motor transport enterprisescompliance with these requirements is put on the first place. This attitude of the leadership to this topic kills two birds with one stone. First, it eliminates unnecessary problems and fines on the part of the tax. Secondly, it allows you to independently study and control fuel consumption rates. There are cases when the write-off of fuel and lubricants exceeds the limits established by law.

the procedure for writing off fuel and lubricants
Often this is due to the additional conversion of the car for the needs of the enterprise, or with unsatisfactory state of technology.

If the second option is easy enough to eliminate,then due to the first one there may be some difficulties, but they can be solved. The law allows in this case to increase the actual fuel consumption, regardless of the instructions of the manufacturer. But all this should be supported by the regulatory documents of the enterprise and the director's personal order to increase the expense of writing off fuel and lubricants. As practice shows, in the case of litigation, a good regulatory framework allows the taxpayer to win the case.

write-off of gsm on track sheets
An important link in this chain is itselfthe driver, because a lot depends on the accuracy of the data he has entered into the waybill. Thus, the cancellation of fuels and lubricants is a joint responsibility of both the employee and the employer. At the end of the month the accounting department is obliged to check the travel sheets with their internal documentation for the discrepancy of the balance. This control allows you to obtain maximum data on the work done by the driver for a month. And if everything is done on the same schedule, and spending on fuel increases, it will be immediately visible in the reporting documentation, which will allow to take timely measures.

Writing off fuel - quite complex and diverseprocess, which includes a lot of various documentation and specifications, depending on the type of activity of the firm. Therefore, before allocating funds for the purchase of fuel, we recommend that you carefully study this issue and prepare all the necessary documentation. Sometimes even the smallest receipt or a travel sheet will save you from paying solid tax penalties.

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