Contracts, types of contracts. Concept and types of contracts

contracts types of contracts
The state creates all conditions tocitizens fully exercised their rights to work with the guarantee of equal opportunities in the choice of their profession. He also exerts maximum efforts for the implementation of vocational training programs, training and further training in accordance with the needs of society. How all economic, and labor relations regulate the relevant contracts. Types of contracts of this type may differ in essence, as will be discussed in this article.

Contracts are agreements that are formallywere recognized by civil law with the provision of protection. The system of contracts always had a closed structure, in which no other agreements were allowed without recognition as civil law. These agreements were not of a legal nature, however modern law still sometimes allows for derogations.

A bit of history

types of contracts contracts

Roman law of a contractual nature refers tomechanisms of the first world legal society of commodity producers. Contractual contracts are types of contracts that served as a sufficiently reliable instrument, through which a rather cruel exploitation of the lower strata of the population was carried out. At the same time, such contracts were the main legal form responsible for carrying out the huge turnover and economic life of ancient Rome.

With the development of commodity relations, this legalabsolutely all relations were affected: trade, economic, etc. It was the Romans that contracted (types of contracts) acquired a certain systemic form that provided a reliable basis for any business relationship. Roman contracts are the result of continued development, as well as a thoughtful and painstaking analysis with the selection of the necessary praetor practice.

Modern contractual relations and contracts

Types of contracts are represented by implementedbilaterally, where the will of both parties must be expressed. The main direction in concluding contracts should be the definition, introduction of changes or the final cessation of both rights and obligations. When expressing the will of both parties in the contract, it is a manifestation of mutual consent.

Thus, contracts are an agreement from two or more persons concerning the commission of a particular act or refraining from doing it.

Types of employment contracts

As mentioned above, in addition to the conclusioncontracts between business entities (contractors), there are also contractual relations between employees and the enterprise, fixed by the labor contract.

types of labor contracts

So, the labor contract is an agreement betweenthe owner of the business entity (enterprise) and the employee, under which the latter undertakes to carry out the work specified in this agreement qualitatively, obey the internal order. The duties of the enterprise include the timely payment of wages and the provision of safe working conditions necessary for work, provided for by the current legislation, agreement of the parties and a collective agreement.

In what form are contracts made?

The concept and types of, for example, labor contracts are briefly described in this article. However, it is necessary to make the following clarifications.

types of government contracts
The basic form of the conclusion of the employment contract is written. Compliance with this form is mandatory when:

  • organized reception of employees;
  • the conclusion of labor contracts at enterprises that are located in an area with special geological and geographic conditions, as well as conditions with an increased risk to health;
  • concluding a contract;
  • the insistence of workers on the conclusion of labor contracts in writing;
  • the conclusion of contracts with under-age citizens.

When concluding an employment contract, a citizen mustpresents a passport or an identity document, a document on education and a work record. If the applicant has this first job and there is no work book, then in the list of documents provided there is a passport and a diploma of education.

Duties of the enterprise

contracts concept and types

    The duties of a business entity before entering into an employment contract include:

    • an explanation to the employee of his rights and duties,informing him of the conditions of work against receipt, as well as the presence of harmful and dangerous factors of industrial importance on the proposed workplace, his rights to use benefits and compensation for work in these conditions in accordance with current legislation and the collective agreement;
    • familiarization of the employee with the rules of labor regulations of internal significance and collective agreement;
    • the definition of an employee's workplace with the provision of his necessary means;
    • instructing employees on safety, as well as occupational health and fire protection.

    Forms of employment contracts

    Types of contracts (contracts) with employees are subdivided depending on the term of their action, namely:

    • unlimited, concluded for an indefinite period;
    • Urgent, concluded for a fixed period as agreed by the parties;
    • Thematic, concluded on performance of certain work.

    An urgent labor contract isthe establishment of labor relations for a specific period of time, taking into account the characteristics of the forthcoming work or the conditions for its implementation, as well as the interests of employees in the case provided for by the current legislation.

    Also, labor legislation provides for the conclusion of labor contracts on seasonal and temporary work.

    Other types of contracts

    There are, in addition to these, also certaintypes of state contracts. This interaction of state bodies with business entities is confirmed by appropriate contracts, the implementation of which is carried out for the benefit of a particular country.

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