The purpose and the task of the project: how you will write, and you will decide

The fact that everyone should have a goal in life, wewe hear almost from the cradle. You must always achieve your goals; You need to go to your goal, regardless of the circumstances; the goal - above all - is a small fraction of what mentors, teachers, trainers tell us every day, etc.

What are the goals?

It seems to us that in adulthood, when the goal andThe task of the project in which we are interested requires language, there will be no problems with this process. But for some reason, investors will refuse financing, then the idea will fail, and without revealing itself to potential consumers, there will not be enough time. Let's talk about the importance of planning.

In management distinguish several different typesgoals: strategic, tactical and operational. If you gradually move from the formulation of some to the formulation of others, then planning will not seem tedious, and efficiency will increase. Automatically grows confidence ... and now a successful man looks at you from the mirror.

What is the difference - visually about the ephemeral

If you imagine a traveler who is going on the road and making a route, then direction is a strategic goal. A person is determined in order to go north or to the east.

purpose and objective of the project

In the chosen direction, there are many roads- modern avtobanov or primers, railways or flights. The choice of one of the roads is a tactical goal, which limits and specifies the methods and resources necessary to solve the problem.

And even in the event that it is precisely known that beforethe final point can be reached only by one road, there is always the possibility to choose a specific means of transportation - legs, a bicycle, a subcompact or a sports car. This is already the level of operational planning, which accurately determines the speed and necessary resources.

The main objectives of the project can be formulated by onein a word: enlighten, provide, sell (buy), inform, etc. This is just the answer to the question "Why do I need this?" When correctly formulated, the objectives of the solution are usually very quickly and simply.

Clarity of the wording is the guarantor of the success of any case

The more specific the condition of the problem is formulated, themore chances to solve it. This statement is also suitable in the case when the goal and task of the project is determined. You can not just say "I want to increase the profit of the enterprise" or "I want to win a tender", "hold an exhibition of my work" or "publish a book". For the given examples it is necessary to specify:

main objectives of the project

  • how much and for what period do you want to increase profits?
  • at the expense of what resources you are going to win in the tender;
  • where, and to whom you want to showcase your work;
  • when, at whose expense and how much you want to publish a book.

Such concretization primarily helpsthe author himself to be mentally adjusted to the successful implementation of the project. And secondly, the clearer the words are chosen for the goal, the easier it will be to determine the tasks that need to be done to achieve it.

Goals and objectives - is there a difference

Very often there is a confusion of concepts: the purpose and task of the project. Is there really a difference? Perhaps, such branched terminology is used in vain?

We have already figured out that the goal isthe concretized result of the project, while the task is a small intermediate goal that allows to find the optimal methods of project implementation. So, for our example with its own exhibition, for example, you can put such basic tasks of the project:

  • Select the work to be exhibited.
  • Determine what kind of room for the exhibition.
  • Identify the audience.
  • Calculate the duration of the exhibition.

main tasks of the project

Why do we need tasks?

The setting of tasks does not let you get lost and allows you to gradually go to the ultimate goal. In addition, if you divide the goal into small tasks, you can find the shortest and "safest" way.

If you are going to show pictures onlya couple of friends, then the duration of the exhibition, and the room for it should be minimal. Roughly speaking, it is enough to clean the apartment, place pictures and call friends. All, the goal is achieved.

purpose and objectives of the creative project

But if your ego wants to become famousreally, then you have to look for an exhibition hall, specify the features of his rent, print advertising posters, leaflets, etc. And this all already requires financial means. Well, if you are the heir of a rich parent ... And if not? Then the goal and tasks of the creative project require also the search for an investor.

SMART Methodology

For effective planning and management of yourprojects in management apply the SMART methodology. Its feature is to be able to deliver concrete, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-limited tasks. It is in this case that the goal and the task of the project will not engulf the author, but will serve the prompt implementation of good intentions in life.

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