Tulips. Growing and care in the open ground and at home

Tulips are harbingers of spring, sunnymood and opening of the summer season. Bouquets of flowers became a kind of symbol of the main women's holiday on March 8. Particular love for these flowers is experienced by summer residents, because it's so nice to see in your area in early spring, as various kinds of tulips are blossoming.

Currently, more than three thousanddifferent species and varieties of tulips, however, the most popular are only about 100 species. It is important not only to love, but also to be able to properly reproduce tulips. Growing and caring for them is not such a difficult task, but, like in any other business, some skills are required here. Today we will talk about how to grow these delicate flowers on the site and at home.

Cultivation of tulips in the open ground

When choosing a place for planting flowers,attention to the following: flowers do not like direct sunlight and strong drafts. Low places that are prone to flooding are also not suitable for planting. After determining the location, make sure that the soil is well-fertilized, if necessary, do this about a week before the bulbs are planted.

Tulip bulbs are planted in autumn, whenthe temperature will drop to 6-100С. It's about the end of September - the beginning of October. Before planting, the selected healthy bulbs for 30 minutes soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The distance between the rows should be about 15 cm, and between the bulbs about 10 cm. Care after this practically reduces to zero. However, if the autumn is arid, then the bulbs should be watered, and to protect the frostbite cover with fir paws. All the winter bulbs will be in a state of rest, thus preparing for the flowering period.

When the spring comes, the tulips will startsprouts, and after a couple of weeks will bloom. At this time it is necessary to carry out two additional fertilizing: as soon as the buds appear and when the flowers fall off. It is necessary to monitor the moisture of the soil, and also periodically loosen it.

When the leaves of the tulips turn yellow, it's time toscooping bulbs. After they are extracted from the ground, they should be dried in the open air in the shade (1-2 days). After this, the bulbs are placed in boxes and stored in a dark, well ventilated room.

Thus, you can grow a variety of tulips, the cultivation and care of most varieties is no different. Just imagine how beautiful you will have in the spring at the dacha!

Cultivation of tulips at home

Recently, great popularityenjoys growing tulips at home. Just imagine, there is snow and frost outside the window, but in your room there is real beauty, and all because tulips have blossomed. Growing and grooming in a room is not very difficult, and you will see for yourself.

If you want to enjoy in February alreadythe beauty of these flowers, then choose early stunted varieties for planting. Before planting, hold the bulbs for some time in the fridge to allow shoots to appear. Then drop them in a long box in one or two rows. Of course, the soil must be well-fertilized. Take care that plants do not get direct sunlight, and there are no open drafts. Room tulips do not like dry air, so their leaves should be sprinkled with warm water several times a day. Watering is moderate, depending on how quickly the earth dries up. After the flowering is completed, the bulbs should be excavated, and then they should be planted only in the open ground, since they will no longer bloom in the room conditions. Bulbs must be dried and store them in a cool place until the fall.

Tulips, cultivation and care for which you will carry out correctly, will give you a truly spring beauty. Trying to grow them once, you are unlikely to abandon this venture.

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