The risks of the enterprise and their evaluation

The organization of one's business is always connected withcertain risks. Any entrepreneur in advance calculates such moments. Risk assessment of the enterprise should be carried out in advance, even at the stage of registration of the business plan. Such a document as a business plan does not exist by chance. It is he who allows to visualize all the possible problems that may occur along the way. The risks of the enterprise can not be divided clearly, because some of them have no boundaries.

For example, it is very difficult to separate investmentrisks from financial. However, when writing a business plan, a certain clear structure emerges. It becomes obvious that, for example, production risks have several manifestations. In the first place, of course, is the probability of catastrophes and various external negative factors. However, behind these categories lies the internal cause of the risk - stopping production. There can be such a stop for various reasons. The enterprise's risks associated with stopping the work of the organization are also connected with financial risks. The firm may stop producing products due to lack of funds. It can also happen because of the suppliers. Such moments must necessarily be foreseen even before the company begins its activities.

Management of financial risks of an enterprise inat the very beginning the entrepreneur takes over. A little later, he can already hire professionals. One of the most unpredictable items on the list is the risks associated with the actions of the authorities. It would seem that there is no crisis in the country and the political system is unlikely to change. However, at any time laws may be signed that limit the work of the company in a particular area. It is difficult to calculate such risks of the enterprise, therefore businessmen put near to this item the characteristic "the minimal probability".

Banking risks are associated with loans,debts, as well as with the abuse of banking structures. To minimize the likelihood of suffering from the activities of these organizations, it is necessary to calculate the loan debt and not to take an excessive amount of funds.

The structure of the enterprise's risks can be simple and complex. Complex ones are those that consist of intersecting simple factors.

Estimation of the probability of any risk is not alwayscan be precisely established. For example, in the case of suppliers it is best to always have a spare option in order to continue the activity. You can not rely on one organization, no matter how impeccable its reputation may be. There is always room for a human factor and force majeure. Some risks are not calculated at all. For example, starting your business in a quiet area, you can not take into account the probability of criminogenic situations. But after a while, the situation in the area may change.

Accident is also a point of risk, but it is usuallyis not taken into account. The minimum risk calculation consists of several items. First of all, it is necessary to check the remoteness of the enterprise from roads and sources of raw materials. This can be very important. The same applies not only to businesses, but also to shops for which an incorrect location can be lamentable. The attitude of local authorities is another important point, the significance of which is understood by every experienced entrepreneur. Also, you need to find alternative sources of raw materials or product suppliers, so as not to depend on one manufacturer. The proximity of engineering networks must certainly be taken into account. Remote communications will cause additional costs. A good help in accounting for risks can be a SWOT analysis that will identify possible threats to the enterprise.

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