The use of fertilizers. What is the purpose of granulating mineral fertilizers

Each living creature for intensive growthneed food. And plants are no exception. In order for trees, bushes, grasses and other flora to develop well, they need to provide access to water, sunlight and nutrients. The latter come to plants mainly from the soil, and if there is a shortage of at least one significant element, it will not be possible to obtain a good crop.

Benefits of Nutritional Blends

what is the purpose of granulating mineral fertilizers

The natural accumulation of nutrients insoil in the scale of today's agriculture is inadequate, therefore fertilizers are used throughout the world. They, along with the development of breeders and geneticists who create new varieties of useful crops, have become a key aspect in meeting the world consumer demand for food. In the modern world, food has become an important strategic resource, and as the world's population increases, its importance will only grow. Modern fertilizers often have the form of dry mixtures in the form of granules. And some people have a question: "Why mineral fertilizers are granulated?" After all, this process leads to an increase in production costs, which means that it affects the final price of the product. So, let's figure out what is the purpose of granulating mineral fertilizers and how it happens.

Granulating technology

It is worth explaining that the granulate is not onlyfertilizers, but also many other substances and products, such as coffee, medicines, animal feed, chemicals and much more. Despite the fact that all of the above has a different origin and purpose, the technology of granulation for them is the same: the dried and shredded raw materials, which in appearance should resemble flour, are fed with a transport tape into the granulator. It mixes the substance with a small amount of water or steam, then the moistened "flour" is fed into the press, where the granules form. At this stage, the formed particles are very fragile, so they are sent for cooling and purging. After that, the particles get a good hardness and are ready for packaging and selling.

why granulate mineral fertilizers

So what is mineral fertilizer granulated for? This process is not cheap and requires the use of special equipment, not to mention the costs of electricity and labor. And is it not easier to sell nutrient mixtures in the form of a dry powder?

What is the purpose of granulating mineral fertilizers

In fact, there are several reasons for thisadditional processing. First, the pellets are stored much better than regular powder. Anyone who has come across the fact that the loose product has been caked, wetted and crusted will never ask why the mineral fertilizers are granulated, since the answer is quite obvious. Secondly, the granules are more loose, which means that it is easier to apply fertilizer to the soil and dose. Thus, it is much easier to mechanize the process of introducing nutrients through seeders or cultivators.

for which mineral fertilizers are granulated

Third, such particles are heavier than the powder, andtherefore, are not carried by the wind, which provides convenience during work. And finally, strange as it may seem, fertilization is given a commercial appearance. Even if you do not take into account all the advantages, granular products always look more attractive and expensive, which means they are given preference.

The prolonged action of granular fertilizers

The greatest benefit of fertilizer granulationIs the appearance of a prolonged effect. Simply put, granules have a slow release and an extended duration of action. Fertilizer particles do not immediately dissolve and soak into the soil as a powder, but slowly melts. Thus, plants do not receive a concentrated dose of nutrients (which can damage), but several small portions in a fairly long time. In addition, increased duration of action makes it possible to reduce the number of fertilizing, which greatly facilitates the work of agricultural workers and amateur gardeners. So, we have found out, with what purpose granulate mineral fertilizers. It remains only to add that this processing is subjected not only to mineral complexes, but also to natural organic matter.

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