Cabotage - this is .. Features, characteristics of cabotage

Surely you heard about thisconcept, as "cabotage". It can be found both in the environment of logistics, and in historical literature, the media. We will analyze in this article, what is it - cabotage transportations in the Russian Federation and other countries.

Historical definition

The word "cabotage" came from the French. cabotage, the origins of which, in turn, in the Spanish. cabo - "cape". Cabotage transport means the sailing of a cargo or passenger commercial vessel between ports of the same state.

Historically, cabotage is a journey without leavingopen sea, from the cape to the cape. The ships of many first ships navigated the water surface in this way - ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Vikings.

Cabotage today

Today cabotage transportations are:

  • Swimming without going beyond the borders of a certain state.
  • Transportation services (including loading and unloading) carried out by a foreign freight carrier within the territory of another country.

cabotage transportation is

This type of transportation specializes in a special type of fleet - ships that can swim in limited areas at a small distance from both shore and ports.

Cabotage transport is an appropriate option in two cases:

  • Transportation between certain points by sea is more beneficial than rail or road.
  • There is no possibility of laying between the initial andthe end point of the land road. As an example - the supply of the polar city of Norilsk by coastal ships, tk. to this settlement do not lead neither automobile, nor ж / д ways.

Types of cabotage

The cabotage transport of passengers and goods is divided into two large groups:

  • Great cabotage. Transportation is carried out between ports of different seas of one state.
  • Small cabotage. Routes between the ports of the same sea.

Both types of cabotage transport have the following advantages:

  • Availability of sea shipping, which determines the simplicity and reliability of delivery.
  • Low prime cost.
  • Versatility - in dry containers it is possible to transport quite a variety of goods. In addition, many carriers refer to "heavyweights".
  • Convenience of both loading and unloading containers.

Cabotage in the world

According to the coastal shipping of goods in the world, Greece is leading - in this country the largest number of units of the corresponding fleet.

In the former Soviet Union, specifically for cabotage shipments were combined conditionally into one sea:

  • Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese.
  • The Arctic Ocean and the White Sea.
  • Azov and Black.

cabotage in the Russian Federation

The legal side of the question

Protecting the interests of your own merchant fleetforcing governments of different countries to make cabotage transport closed to foreign vessels. In our country, such restrictions were first introduced in 1784. They then only touched the Black Sea water area.

And today in Russia cabotage transportation isthe prerogative of the domestic fleet alone. However, the law also has a number of exceptions: if there is an urgent need for transportation, but there are no suitable vessels under Russian flags, then it is permissible to use foreign water transport for cabotage. This is done only with the permission of the Ministry of Transport of the state, under strict control of the customs legislation, and also without the right to call at ports closed to foreign vessels.

Auto traffic

Coastal road transport isthe movement of various goods on the territory of a certain country by a foreign transport company. This phenomenon, however, is prohibited by most of the world's states. In a number of others, for such an activity, you need to obtain a certain type of license.

 cabotage road transport is

Russia was no exception here. After crossing the Russian border, foreign freight transport is obliged at the first point of its stop to unload all its contents at once - only domestic carriers can carry it further. Regulates the auto-catastrophe of st. 7 FZ "On state control over the implementation of international road transport and on liability for violation of established orders."

In particular, the law prohibits commercialtransportation of goods and passengers by foreign transport between any points located on the territory of the Russian Federation. On the driver in case of violation, a fine of up to 20 minimum wages is imposed, to the customer - up to 50 minimum wages.

Air traffic control

In our age of globalization, unfortunately, not everywherethere is the possibility of free crossing of the borders of countries by air transport. Many states prohibit flights with landing on their lands or even flights of foreign aircraft between their own airports over the territory of their country. There are states that do not put such prohibitions. Unfortunately, Russia does not yet belong to the latter.

cabotage transportation of goods

Cabotage today is not only marine, but alsoautomobile, and air transportation of various cargoes and passengers. At the same time, they are all strictly regulated by the governments of world states, incl. and Russian.

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