Commodity expert is a promising profession!

Who is a commodity expert? He is a person who understands the goods, knows how to choose the right assortment, form prices, take into account the products, control its quality, etc. Not everyone can cope with such duties.

commodity manager is

The commodity expert is necessary everywhere

Specialty is in demand in trade, without itsociety can do without, protecting the interests of buyers, customs, warehouses. However, even within the same organization, the commodity merchant can perform different duties. Therefore, the one who decided to master this profession should remember: the commodity expert is a specialist in a wide field, therefore, he needs an excellent education and a broad outlook. Today there is no shortage of goods. There is another problem: their line is so diverse that simple sellers are not able to keep track of either the assortment or its authenticity. Sellers (especially in large markets) also do not have time to independently monitor which manufacturer has better quality products, which is cheaper and which is in greatest demand. To resolve such issues, a person is well-versed in the goods, able to find the most profitable supplier, conclude a contract with him. Commodore is a very wide profile.

Commitments of the commodity expert

Here are the requirements for this specialist put forward the job description of the commodity expert. He must:

  • Have an economic or engineering-economic education.
  • Know all the documents, higher orders, methodological materials, standards and GOSTs that refer to its specifics.
  • To communicate with suppliers.
  • Be able to keep records of goods, their issuance, storage, compliance with regulations.
  • Analyze the excess, take into account the demand.

job description of a commodity expert

Naturally, every place of work of a commodity expertwill make its own adjustments in duties. A good commodity expert knows this and tries to constantly expand their knowledge, monitor new products, take into account the smallest changes in demand and the market. The broader the outlook of such a specialist, the sooner he finds a job, the higher his salary will be.

Commodity expert is not an easy profession

It is mistaken who believes that a merchantonly professional knowledge is enough. Commodity expert is a specialist, one of whose duties is to communicate with people: suppliers, sellers. Therefore, he must be stress-resistant, know at least the basics of the psychology of communication, be able to influence both.

commodity science profession

The commodity expert is obliged, on the one hand, to be able to quicklymake decisions, and on the other - carefully calculate the strategy store or warehouse, which works. He needs excellent health: rarely in which organization this specialist has a standardized working day. Despite the heavy workload, the commodity manager must be friendly, polite, be able to competently behave with representatives of all walks of life. Accuracy and punctuality are two more qualities, without which a good specialist will not turn out. And of course, a good specialist is someone who is fully responsible for their actions. Most of all, this profession suits those who understand mathematics, are interested in the economy, copes with logistics. People who are nervous, impatient, not loving to raise the level of knowledge, this profession is not recommended.

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