Outstanding rabbit breed - flan

The breed of rabbits is a flan is one of the oldest,recognized and common in the world. Its origin has not been established exactly, there are several versions. To date, in many countries, massively involved in rabbit breeding, their breeds, which are the main branches, are withdrawn: a giant flank,

breed of rabbits
the German giant, the Spanish giant. They do not differ much from each other, but each is adapted precisely to the region in which it is bred. Common is a decent mass of rabbits with an elongated body.

In our country the most popular breeda giant flank. It is noteworthy that the mass of an adult specimen averages 7 kg (sometimes there are 10 kg specimens) with a body length of about 65 cm. The head is large, proportional to the body. Circumference of the chest is about 40 cm. The breed of rabbits is distinguished by its vertical, large (up to 25 cm in length) dense well pubescent ears. The fur color can be black, gray, sand, blue, white, silvery or faun. The coat is thick, dense, about 3 cm long.

Females are famous for their high milkiness. In one case, there are 8 rabbits on average (16 cases also happen). Sexual maturity occurs late, at 9 months, unlike other breeds, which can bring offspring at the age of 5 months.

rabbits breed flounder breeding
The breed of rabbits is a meat flan. Unfortunately, she is subject to respiratory diseases, which frightens many rabbit breeders from industrial breeding. In addition, giants require large cells.

On the backyard you can keep them undera canopy or in a barn. Males must live in separate cells. Females of 2-3 individuals in a cage with a uterine compartment. Young animals live in groups until maturity, later on they sit down. Cells can be placed in one row or several. It is important that enough time and effort to serve all the livestock. The rabbits of the Flandra breed are not afraid of cold weather. Dilution is possible only in the absence of drafts and with the exclusion of the probability of heat stroke.

The rabbit flandra is unpretentious in food. You can feed them only from the garden, but weight gain will not be optimal. They definitely need to include special feed in the diet. Quality hay and fresh water should be constantly. Grass should be given selectively, excluding poisonous, preferably podvyav. Useful for them are twigs of oak, birch, aspen, alder.

breed of rabbits
Before buying rabbits you need to guideinformation about the farm, it is advisable to go and see (if allowed), how to keep and breed a rabbit breed flandra. The price of the individual will be composed of the age and color of the fur. Monthly rabbit can cost from 700 to 1500 rubles, a two-month - from 1400 to 3000, that is, the price of the monthly calf is multiplied by age. You can buy and adults, spending more money, but you can also kids, independently growing them. The choice depends on the desire, opportunities and goals.

It is interesting that in America the breed of rabbits is a flan-they are often pets kept in apartments and houses. They are loved the same way as cats do, because they are calm, friendly and intelligent. For this they are often compared with dogs than with decorative relatives.

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