Fuel oil M40: GOST, characteristics, application

Mazut M40, like any other combustible material from this category, belongs to high-calorific fuel.

general information

Fuel oil is a dark brown in appearancea mixture of resins, carbenes, hydrocarbons, carboides and other substances. If we compare the brands M40 and M100 of fuel oil, then the first category wins greatly. The flash limit for M40 is 90 degrees Celsius, and the heat of combustion of the substance is in the range from 39,000 to 40,500 kJ / kg. The number of mechanical additives is not more than 1%. Exceeding this limit will lead to a decrease in properties. There are no special requirements for the storage of material, but a long term can lead to the fact that fuel oil is saturated with moisture.

mazut m40

Fuel oil

At present, oil production is very well developed. Crude oil is the source of almost all fuels that are currently used, but the oil itself can not be used for the same purposes. Special processing processes are needed to turn the raw material into suitable fuel. It is in the process of oil processing that the material remains that is considered a waste. Fuel oil M40, M100 and M200. This material, which is already recycled, is not thrown away, it was used as fuel for boiler houses.

black oil m40 price

If we talk about the composition of this raw material, then it contains up to 87% of carbon, up to 11.1% of hydrogen, and there is oxygen and nitrogen to 1%.

It is also worth noting that both oil and fuel oilare divided into two classes depending on the percentage of sulfur (SO2). Low-sulfur fuel is extracted - the content of the substance in the raw material is up to 1%. High sulfur fuel is a combustible material, in which the sulfur content reaches 2.5%.


Mazut M40 can also be of two types -low-viscosity or high-viscosity with a high content of paraffin and other resinous substances. It should be noted that the viscosity for heating oil is a very important parameter. It affects the technical characteristics of M40 fuel oil, such as the ability to transport, the quality of the discharge, the ability to pump and burn raw materials. It is also important to add that the viscosity of this material changes with increasing temperature. Because of this factor, most of the operations in which M40 fuel oil is involved are pre-heated.

Since the viscosity of this material is very importantthe index, then for its determination, the conventional units of viscosity of IV are used. There is GOST, which establishes the concept of what is the conditional viscosity of a material, and also establishes the procedure for determining this parameter.


Depending on the degree of its conditional viscosityFuel oil M40 and its other varieties are divided into several brands. The main characteristic of the separation is the pour point, which is different for each brand, but in any case it will be more than 0 degrees Celsius. The most viscous brands of fuel oil freeze at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius and above. Due to this parameter it is necessary to pass the preheating stage. For example, to carry out the process of distillation of such fuel oil, it is necessary to heat it to a temperature of 60-70 degrees. If burning of fuel oil of this grade is required, it is necessary to heat it up to a temperature of 140 degrees.

black oil m40 technical characteristics

It is worth adding that among technicallyThe characteristics of fuel oil are also the flash point. In other words, when heated to a certain temperature threshold, the raw material will start to discharge into the air vapors that will remain in the air, forming a flammable mixture if you bring an open fire to it.

GOST fuel oil M40

There is a state standard 10585-2013,which regulates the rules of use, safety, production of petroleum fuel, as well as fuel oil. This GOST also sets the physicochemical parameters, which must correspond to fuel oil of each brand. Characteristics of fuel oil M 40 application of this raw material is assumed by strict rules. They are as follows:

  • The kinematic viscosity of M40 at 80 degrees Celsius should be no more than 59.00 mm2/from.
  • Ash percentage in the fuel oil of this brand should be 0.04 for low-ash and 0.12 for ash raw materials.
  • The mass fraction for mechanical admixtures in fuel oil should not be more than 0.5 in percentage.
  • The mass fraction of water in the composition of raw materials is 1%.
  • Also, fuel oil M40 should not contain any alkalis or acids dissolved in water.
  • The content of hydrogen sulphide in this brand of fuel oil should not exceed 10 mg / kg.
  • It should be noted that the flash point in the open crucible for M40 fuel oil is 90 degrees, but in a closed flash it is not possible.

fuel oil m40 gost

Safety in accordance with GOST

The GOST also establishes the safety parametershandling of this product. According to this document, heating oil is considered to be of little danger for human life and health, and therefore it concerns only the 4 categories of danger according to GOST 12.1.007. It is also specified in this document that the concentration of hydrocarbon vapors in the air in populated areas, as well as in the work area, should be regulated by regulatory documents for these materials.

technical characteristics of fuel oil
It is worth noting that fuel oil negatively affects,irritates the mucous membrane, as well as prolonged interaction with it has a bad effect on the skin of a person. From which it follows that to work with this raw material you need to have protection for the eyes and nose, as well as gloves. It is important that fuel oil is not capable of forming toxic compounds with air or water if it enters this environment at a temperature corresponding to the environment.

Fuel oil M40 and M100

Since fuel oil is waste from oil refining andthere are several brands, it is logical that one of them exceeds the other. Currently, it is believed that the brand M40 is much better than the brand M100. Since the main characteristics of this raw material are viscosity, water and sulfur content, ash content, flash point and freezing point, etc., it is these parameters that are compared.

heating oil m40 characteristics application

The viscosity of the M40 brand is less than that of the M100 grade. This is achieved due to the fact that in the 40th fuel oil, from 10 to 15% of the diesel fraction is added, which increases the fluidity and reduces the pour point by 15 degrees, that is, only 10 degrees Celsius. In turn, M100 freezes at 25 0With, because of what it is necessary to heat all the timeraw materials and there are problems with transportation. M40 same with good weather conditions can be transported without much difficulty. For the same reason, it turns out that the operating temperature of M100 fuel oil is in the range of 60 to 70 degrees. While M40 fuel oil can be operated at a temperature of 20 degrees below this. This, of course, reduces the cost of burning.

The cost of this raw material is not so high,that it is considered a waste. In addition, it falls if the fuel oil is stored too long, since during storage it can be saturated with moisture, which will greatly worsen its characteristics. The price of fuel oil M40 is in the range from 5500 thousand rubles to 12 000 thousand rubles for 1 ton of material.

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