Lushchilniki disk: characteristics and description

To obtain a large and high-quality harvestit is necessary to take care of competent processing of a fertile layer of the earth. In achieving this goal, considerable help will be provided by discs that are one of the most popular types of agricultural equipment.


Shredding is the treatment of surface layers of the earth with a complete or partial overturning of its deep seams.

disc splinters

Such a process allows us to solve several problems at once:

  1. Destruction of weed plants and nests of pests, insects.
  2. Planting in the soil of plant remains, which enriches it.
  3. Reducing the rate of evaporation of moisture from the surface due to the appearance of small layers of earth.

The use of lakeshields has found its place in manystages of growing cultivated plants. They carry out pre-tillage tillage, which greatly simplifies the cultivation process. They are also launched after the passage of disc and plowshares to break the largest lumps of soil cover.

Description of the equipment

In the agricultural market there are twosuch type of equipment - disc and plowshoots. The second species is practically no different from plows of the same category, except for the depth of penetration into the ground and the area covered during processing.

Disk equipment is fundamentally differentstructure. In general, their design can be represented by two frames connected at a certain angle and supported by support wheels. On the edges of each system are installed carriages that support the cantilever beams of the unit.

chisel disc mill

The directly working body is the concavea disk with well sharpened edges. It is located at an angle of 20-35 degrees relative to the direction of movement of equipment (angle of attack). Several cutting elements are combined in one section - the battery, which is hung and rigidly fastened to the frame. One lushchilnik usually includes 4 or more batteries.

Principle of operation

Before processing, discsset up and put into working position. As the motion of the discs under the weight of the design cuts into the soil cover, and lift it to the inner concave surface. Moving along it, the ground is scattered into small clods, partially turned over, and then falls and is taken away to the stann.

discs for mts 80
Before proceeding with the processing of the earthsurface, it is necessary to make sure that the geometry of the unit is in accordance with the operating conditions. For this, the mechanism is installed on a level platform and it is observed that all the discs touch the surface.

If between some cutting edges and the groundThe firmament is a gap, then check their radius. For large deviations from the nominal parameters (± 5 mm), the disc is changed. Otherwise, the frame structure is examined and matched.

Adjustment of disc lenses

How deep the discs will penetrate into the ground depends on the angle of attack. Therefore, the basic adjustment is to adjust the optimal incline of the cutting elements in the direction of travel.

stubble disk shredder
To do this, change the length of the bars between the beams and the frame. The value of the angle of attack is set according to the type of soil being treated:

  1. For solid dry soils it is about 35 degrees.
  2. For a fertile layer of low density - 25-30.
  3. For harrowing or breaking the clods, the angle should be 15-25 degrees.

The depth of penetration into the ground can be regulatedand installation of ballast. Here everything is simple: the larger the mass of the unit, the deeper the cutting elements will penetrate into the soil. During processing, it is necessary to follow the strictly horizontal arrangement of the batteries.

Advantages of disc lenses

The stubble disk lumberman with its advantages owes its original design, which, unlike the lemesh aggregates:

  1. It treats the earth's firmament of any humidity and under any weather conditions.
  2. Saves fuel by reducing friction during driving.
  3. Enables cutting elements to self-cleaning.
  4. Significantly reduces the risk of damage to the discs - if there are obstacles, they simply roll over them.
  5. Provides the same depth of penetration into the ground throughout the site.

Using disk equipment, it is possible to shorten the period of field work and the number of operations of soil cover processing several times by combining several operations in one process.

But such advantages are achieved only withthe use of traction machines of sufficient power. The standard thrust is 1.4 tons - it is enough to fully utilize the disc luster. MTZ technique (tractors) is most often used in the composition of the processing complex.

Lushchilnik disk LDG

One of the most popular in the agriculturalsector of our country types of aggregates is a disk grater LDG 10, 10A and 15, which have some differences in design and technical characteristics.

Their design does not differ in principle frompresented above scheme. The only exception is the presence of an overlapping disk battery, which is located in the alignment of the two frames and processes sections not covered by other sections.

disc grating lgd 10
A feature that is endowed with a disc cutterLDG 10, is a high maneuverability, which allows you to cultivate hard-to-reach areas of the field. The advantages of the mechanism include mobility - the device is easily and quickly brought into operation by hydraulic cylinders.

The device LDG 15 has a reinforced structureand a larger mass, which makes it possible to use it for work on a compacted soil massif with different compositions, for breaking up the sodden soil layers, and for chopping the crop residues.

Harrows-lushchilniki "Dukat"

The mechanisms of Ukrainian production "Dukat" are also very popular. Because of a specific device, they are often called harrow-lushchilniki, that everything is fully confirmed by their functionality.

disc grater ducat
"Dukat" is used to process fields with largeamount of plant residues. Passing along the earth's surface, it evenly distributes them in the soil, creating a nutritious basis for cultivated plants. Most often, the disc grater "Dukat" is used for:

  • cultivation of soil before sowing of grain, technical and fodder crops;
  • destruction of weeds;
  • processing fields "on a couple" for winter plants;
  • improving the quality of meadows, pastures, grazing places.

In connection with the more active introduction of herbicidesto accelerate the growth of plants in recent times, the lumbering equipment is used not to prepare fields, but to seal "pesticides" saturated with pesticides in the soil cover. It is important that the depth is not less than 10-15 cm, on which the "Dukat" devices are designed.

Cost of disc lenses

The price of disk chippers depends on severalfactors. The first of these is the implemented construction. Some models are equipped with spring struts, supporting batteries, as well as other elements that significantly increase the service life of the units. Obviously, such mechanisms will cost more.

On average, prices for discs for MTZ 80begin to grow from 389 thousand rubles. The maximum cost was observed in Ufa and Kazan. Here it was about 800 thousand rubles. But here the products are offered by a large manufacturer - Trade House MTZ.

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