Fertilizers for strawberries - meals for the whole season

Cultivated plants, as everyone knows, givemore fruits than those that grow in the wild. This suggests that they need more nutrients and care than wild plants. Modern varieties of homemade strawberries often give berries, in size much larger than wild ones. Therefore, they need additional fertilizing. What are fertilizers for strawberries and when do they need to "feed" the plant?

fertilizers for strawberries
We feed often and much

The first additional food the plant gets inearly April, when it is relatively warm, but the first leaves have not yet blossomed. At this time, the bushes are transplanted, the mustache and old leaves are removed. Simultaneously, along with planting and processing plants make and fertilizing. Today, there are special types of fertilizer for strawberries, designed to feed exclusively on this berry. Top dressing with such fertilizers should be carried out 2-3 times per season and in stages. In what quantities should you apply fertilizer for strawberries, usually indicated on the packaging.

The second time fertilizers are introduced into the soil when collectedthe first, the main crop of strawberries. Usually it's somewhere in the middle-end of July. At the same time, the mustache and leaves are cut off, and another very useful procedure is performed: the plant is treated with a 2% solution of the Bordeaux liquid. Such treatment destroys harmful insects and parasites that have chosen strawberries for their propagation.

Well, the third feeding is carried out in the dry period, in the middle of September. And not all plants are fed, but only young fruit bearing bushes.

What to feed the plant?

Strawberry Gigantella

Experienced gardeners instead of chemical fertilizersUse fertilizers for strawberries related to organic species. Most often it is humus or infusion of chicken manure. With such a top dressing in no case can not fall asleep bush plant, because it sometimes leads to the fact that the future harvest can not wait.

Another reason for losing the future harvest -incorrect watering. In the drought period and during the pouring of berries, the plant needs water especially. But if you use the sprinkling method for irrigation, and not watering under the root, you can lose the crop due to the gray rot.

If the soil where the strawberry grows is very poor, then it is necessary to feed the plant practically the whole period of vegetation: early in the spring, during the appearance of the peduncles, at the moment of flowering.

A good result for the harvest is the mulching and fertilizing of the soil with special fertilizer "AgroProst", which can make the soil more loose and protect the plant from pests and diseases.

Strawberry on hydroponics - harvest all year round

strawberry on hydroponics
To get a crop of strawberries all year round,observe several conditions. The first is the right choice of plant variety. For all-the-year-round cultivation, basically, repair classes are produced, which bear fruit almost all the time. To such varieties of strawberries include plants of Mount Everest, Yellow Miracle, Fresco. For example, a strawberry variety, Queen Elizabeth begins to bring berries before everyone else, but it ends the fruit-bearing period too early. Giantella, Elvira, Crown and other Dutch varieties can also be grown.

The second condition for the year-round harvest -use of hydroponics. What kind of hydroponic method to grow this berry, depends on the number of plants and the location of the site. But only one thing is clear: a strawberry on hydroponics requires a professional approach. In this case, depending on the stage of plant development, the content of nutrients in the solution varies. Amateur gardeners can use a universal nutrient solution for safety.

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