A child at 4 months does not turn over from the abdomen to the back, from the back to the abdomen: causes

The long-awaited kid is always a joy. But also anxiety. After all, every caring parent watches how the child develops, especially in the first year of life. The successes of the baby, of course, please, and what to do if the carapace lags behind the peers in physical skills? For example, if the child does not turn over on the stomach at 4 months? Do I need to sound an alarm in this case? Let's understand.

child does not turn over in 4 months

Opinion of specialists

So, the child does not turn over in 4 months. Children's physicians treat the physical development of children differently. If a pediatrician is experienced, guided not by templates, but by real cases from his practice, he will ask parents about everything that concerns the child. Also be sure to inspect. The doctor will tell if there are physical problems for the baby. According to the development schedule, pediatricians believe that the child should turn over for the first time in 3-4 months. In practice, toddlers from 2 to 6 months perform the first revolution in their lives.

child at 4 months does not turn over from belly to back

Is it all so scary?

But there are doctors who immediately diagnose andthis scares parents. But in fact, it's just that a child does not turn over in 4 months. Komarovsky, for example, at the expense of many doctors' statements that a toddler must do this and that at a certain age, says: "A child does not owe anything to anyone." After all, every baby develops individually and, if everything is in order, everything will be learned, but only later. Incidentally, children's physicians view the baby's coup from the back to the abdomen as more critical as indicators of a baby's development. So, if the child does not turn over from the stomach to the back in 4 months, there is no need to worry about it at all. The kid will learn this skill.

child at 4 months does not turn over from back to stomach

What can be considered a norm

As already mentioned, the baby learns to turn overfrom 2 to 6 months. When a child does not turn over at 4 months, then nothing terrible is happening. It is enough that he can turn from the back or from the stomach to the barrel. But it happens that such turns baby begins to do later. Of course, it is necessary to monitor the child's physical development. And yet there is no need to panic if the crumb does not fit into the norms. Work with him, the course of massage also does not hurt, and your baby will soon be pleased with his successes.

First turns baby

Sometimes the crumb begins to roll over on its sideonly one way. It's just that he likes it so much, it's more convenient. If the child does not turn over on the side in 4 months, be sure to pay attention and try to attract him to this action with a bright, interesting toy. And when the crumb turns only one side, show the toy and place it on the side that the child does not like to turn to. This will give an incentive to learn to turn in the opposite direction.

Why the baby does not roll over

The child does not turn over from the back to the stomach for 4 months for various reasons:

  1. Hypertonus or hypotension of muscles. This is a neurological disorder that occurs very often. If the violations are minor, then massage and gymnastics will fix the situation. In other cases, you may need to consult a neurologist and prescribe medications. Massage normalizes the nutrition of tissues, blood circulation, and due to this and muscle tone comes to order. Swimming is another effective way to stabilize muscle tone.
    The child does not turn over on the side in 4 months
  2. Prematurity and birth trauma, severity of coursepregnancy can also be the reason that the child does not turn over from the stomach to the back in 4 months. At 6 months, if no changes have occurred, the parents of those born before the due date of children should not worry, because the development of such babies is shifted to the period of prematurity.
  3. Maybe the kid is just not interested in turning around. Try to take a bright toy and motivate it to a new movement. If the reason is this, the crumb will quickly learn the coups.
  4. Heredity.
  5. Individual features of the baby. If a quiet, calm child does not turn over at 4 months, and while he is healthy, then the baby likes to watch more, not to move. Active children, by contrast, seek to know the world through movement. They can not stay in one place for long, therefore they are ahead of their peers in physical skills.
  6. Weight can also cause a childat 4 months does not turn over from the back to the abdomen. Komarovsky on this occasion speaks about the features of each baby, including weight. If the child is overweight, then this can be either the norm for him, the genetically engineered factor, and the effect of overfeeding against the background of normal health indicators. Maybe at home it's hot, and the baby asks to drink, and Mom thinks he's hungry, and feeds. Or it is not enough with the kid are engaged in gymnastics, masseuse and other kinds of physical activity.
    child in 4 months does not overturn mosar

How to solve a problem

If the child does not turn over at 4 monthsbelly, it is useful to do gymnastics to get the toddler turning skills. It is necessary to bend his legs in the knees and gently alternately perform turns on the tummy, then through the right barrel, then through the left. For example, push the right leg to the left until the baby is on the stomach. But we must remember that the child has a bad mood, and fatigue. It is clear that you should not exercise or do gymnastics if he is naughty. Maybe now the little one is not too physically fit or hungry.

child in 4 months does not turn over from back to belly of Komarovsky

Ways to teach the baby to turn over

Sometimes, if the child is not 4 months oldturns over, helps own example of mother or father. The kid will take it as a game and begin to repeat. This is very fun for young children, when parents show how to turn around, crawl, etc. Yes, and adults such an activity will cheer up. It is often necessary to spread the child on the tummy. In this case, he will tend to overturn, because almost all babies like to lie on the back and consider everything around.

Of course, you need to worry about physical developmenttheir children, but it is more important simply to deal with the baby, being in a calm mood and high spirits. After all, the child is very sensitive to the state of mom and dad, even if they hide their concern for a smile. Therefore, do not panic when the child does not turn over in 4 months. Visit the doctor, follow his recommendations, work with the baby. Very soon it will bear fruit. The child will enjoy with his small achievements. Health to you and your children!

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