Coagulogram in pregnancy is a necessary stage in the study of blood.

During those forty weeks that a woman wears under her heartchild, she has to undergo various tests and many times to take tests. Pregnancy is a special period in the life of any representative of the fair sex, when its physiology, ideology, psycho-emotional state and organism as a whole change. At this time, endless trips to the women's consultation and the delivery of tests become an integral part of everyday life. It is unlikely that this process to anyone brings pleasure, and every next direction for analysis usually worries the future mother and gives rise to a lot of questions. Why all this is necessary? Is everything ok with the child? Is there no threat to pregnancy? In order to get answers to all these questions, women are sent to various examinations, among which a coagulogram is made during pregnancy.

What is a coagulogram, how to take? Such an incomprehensible and frightening word is called a blood test, which helps to study the hemostasis system, i.e. Coagulogram reflects the state of coagulability of the blood, helping to detect the presence of disturbances: a decrease or increase in coagulability. In addition, a coagulogram in pregnancy can promptly identify various complications of pregnancy and help start timely treatment.

It should be noted immediately that the activity of the systemhemostasis in all pregnant women increases, but this is usually considered a normal phenomenon, which is explained by the appearance of the third utero-placental circulatory system. The consequence of the appearance of an additional circle of blood circulation is the beginning of the process of preparing the organism of the future mother to the fact that the amount of blood circulating in her body will soon increase significantly. In addition, the body foresees the possibility of excessive blood loss during the birth process.

An expanded coagulogram for all pregnant womenwomen are recommended once a quarter, if any deviations in blood coagulation are detected during the first study, help with this method of diagnosis will have to be treated more often. The blood for this study is taken on an empty stomach from the vein.

Coagulogram in pregnancy is veryimportant and necessary method of diagnosis, because with changes in blood clotting involves a lot of risks, such as the formation of blood clots, the consequence of which are thrombosis, heart attack, stroke, and during gestation - miscarriage or premature birth. In addition, increased coagulability of blood can lead to the development of serious disorders in the work of the fetal brain.

The necessary stage of the study of blood iscoagulation during pregnancy (a blood test for hemostasis), and this analysis is necessarily performed before surgery and in the postoperative period, that is, when the patient expects a loss of blood. In addition, a blood test for hemostasis is part of a comprehensive examination of autoimmune diseases, varicose veins and liver disease.

Blood coagulation is a vital protectivethe reaction of the body, which protects it from blood loss, this process is regulated by the endocrine and nervous systems. Due to the fluidity of the blood, cells are prevented from clumping and their movement through the vessels is ensured. So the liquid state is a necessary condition for carrying out by the blood its basic functions: transport, protective, thermoregulatory, trophic (nutrition of tissues) and others. Therefore, the passage of blood vessels is vitally important for the organism, but the blood besides it must also be capable of forming a clot on the affected area of ​​the vessel walls. The combination of such blood abilities as the constant preservation of the shape of the fluid, and the formation of clots, as well as their elimination is provided by the presence in our body of an anticoagulant system and a system of hemostasis.

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