When do teeth hurt, how to help a child?

If your baby has already reached the age of three toseven months and suddenly becomes capricious, fever and badly eating, then it can be said that teeth are being cut. It is best to adopt a fruit puree, cold compresses and good advice that can help make this process easier.

teeth are teething than help
When do children start to cut their teeth?

As a rule, baby teeth begin to appearin pairs with an interval of 1-2 months, while in girls this process occurs more quickly. First of all, at the age of 6-8 months, the anterior two teeth erupt on the lower gum, at 8-10 the upper teeth, at 10-11 the lateral incisors at the bottom and within one month the upper ones. In one year the child can boast 6-8 bluish-white pearls. How much teeth are cut, it's easy to say, but it's worth remembering that each organism is individual, and someone will have this process faster, and someone will not.

Brooks on the chin

At one children teeth get out quickly, and at others -long and painful. In any case, two weeks before the first incisor appears, an increased salivation begins, as the body prepares to continue taking solid food. It is necessary to tie the child under the chin of a bib, and when he sleeps, it is better to put a towel under his head. Excess saliva should be removed with warm water and blotches, but you can not rub the baby's face with simple napkins. Around the mouth, the skin can be treated with emollient milk or cream.

what time teeth are cut
Cold for the gums, when teeth are cut

How can a child help if his gums are swollen? Before a new tooth appears, a child may worry for a couple of days - it is very common to roar and sleep badly. If you look into his mouth, you will immediately see that his gums are swollen and reddened in the place where the first tooth is going to break through. Do not be afraid if you see a bruise there. It's a blood clot under the mucous membrane. It does not even surprise the fact that at this time, babies eat poorly. Therefore, a cool fruit puree, grated peach or yogurt will be much more pleasant for a baby than simple food.

Teeth are cut. How can I help if my gums are itchy?

when teeth begin to be cut
Children who start to cut their teeth, pull everythingin the mouth that comes under the hands. In this way they scratch the itching gums. When teeth are chopped, than to help, not all parents know, and so they have some problems. To desire something pogryzt was completely satisfied, it is better to buy a child toys made of plastic, which he will bite with pleasure. Do not irritate the gums. So do not give the child pieces of sugar or spoons, as it was before.

Why go to the pharmacy?

When teeth begin to be cut, a child canrise temperature is the norm. But if she became above 38.3, the baby misses two feedings or is undernourished for several days, then it is necessary to go urgently to the doctor. It can be any infection. The heat can be brought down by means of paracetamol, but not aspirin.

The child has teeth. How to help and help out?

As an aid you can buy a childcooling ring-teeter. They are made in the form of various figures. These devices have analgesic effect, help stimulate and cool the baby's gums when the teeth begin to erupt. Before giving the baby a nibble on a ring that is filled with gel, it is worth holding it for three minutes in the refrigerator.

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