Preparing for the holiday: we come up with contests funny for children

Little children are very impressionable, solove fun holidays and entertainment. To please your baby on your birthday you can not only give him a posh gift, but also include funny contests for children in the scenario of the upcoming important event.

Funny contests for children

Stick your nose

On a piece of paper you need to draw a funny face,which will be absent from the nose. This important detail will have to be molded from plasticine. During the game, the children step back a few steps from the stage, on which our funny drawing is fixed, each participant is blindfolded. Children are invited in turn to approach the portrait and try to stick their nose in place. The one who accomplishes the task as precisely as possible wins.

Fasten your jacket

Funny contests for children can be continuedthe next game. On the backs of two chairs hang on the jacket, turned in reverse. To participate is invited a pair of kids. Children should, at the signal, turn out the jackets, put them on themselves and fasten all the buttons. The one who has made it quickly and correctly wins.


Contests for children and adults sometimes happenso similar that in the same game you can offer to play both at the wedding, and at the birthday. For example, this one. Participants of the game are given one item each, which must be hidden under the T-shirt. The presenter is chosen, who will have to guess at the touch, what is hidden from each player.

Contests for children and adults
Soap Racing

Contests funny for children more interestingorganize as a competition. For example, children need to be divided into two teams. All participants are given soap bubbles, and they are offered to measure with each other the ability to blow bubbles. For a landmark, it's better to draw a line or put a bright ribbon. To the music, children try to send their bubble as far as possible, while it is allowed to blow on it when it has already flown out of the hole. A simple and amusing game will certainly cheer your robbers.

Feather plucked

If your holiday is held on the street or in a largethen the following contests funny for children just like you. For the game you will need ordinary clothespins. A few "feathers" are distributed to the driver and it is suggested to attach the other children to the clothes. The difficulty is that they will try to escape or dodge. The winner is the one who can get rid of all the clothespins faster than others.

Funny house

Funny contests for children

Anyone can participate in this game.number of applicants. Children are invited to draw a house on the easel. The difficulty lies in the fact that they must draw by turns and with their eyes closed. For example, the first participant draws the foundation, the second wall, the third window and so on. As a result, you should get a nice and funny drawing.

So, contests funny for children are very simple inorganizations, and, as a rule, do not require complex and costly attributes. The most important thing is to create a good mood, including fun music and preparing small prizes or sweet treats. Your children and their friends will appreciate the holiday prepared by you.

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