Birthday cards for mom with her own hands

Mom - the most important person in the life of each ofus. No matter how old we are, for mother we will always remain her baby. Only she accepts her child as she is, and is always ready to come to the rescue, listen and give advice. Therefore, probably, I so want everyone to please my mother on her birthday. Carefully chosen gifts, and preparing for the very celebration.

birthday cards for mom
A special place is occupied by greeting cards onbirthday mom. Of course, they can be bought at any stationery store. Today on the shelves of these stores there are a variety of postcards on their birthday and literally for all occasions. But my mother will be much more pleased to receive a free gift card made with her own hands. Especially since it is not so difficult to make it.

It's easiest to make a greeting card inQuilling or scrapbooking technique. Whichever method of making a birthday card for a mother would be chosen, you will need tight cardboard, colored paper, glue, scissors, ruler, colored pencils and markers. Before starting to work, it is advisable to think over the subject of the future postcard. It can be a bouquet of flowers, a photo collage or any other theme that may appeal to the birthday girl.

birthday cards
To create a birthday card for mom witha bouquet of flowers is best used by the quilling technique. First you need to make a blank from cardboard. To do this, the prepared sheet is marked in half and in order to bend it along the intended line, it is necessary to carry it lightly with scissors. Now you can fold the workpiece out of cardboard.

After that it's time to start makingcolors. You can make, for example, chrysanthemums. For this, strips of 2.5-3.5 cm wide are cut from colored paper. On each of these strips, cuts are made transversely, not reaching the edge of 5-7 mm. Chrysanthemums will still need a medium. For them, strips of colored paper with a width of 5-7 mm are cut, and then tightly wound around the toothpick. Seredok needs to be made as much as there will be flowers.

Now you can collect flowers for a future postcardfor my mother's birthday. To do this, paste the strips with fringe to the prepared middle. After the flower grasps, bend the petals of the chrysanthemum outward. A few strips with a toothpick screw inward. Chrysanthemum is ready. In addition to them, you can still make leaves and spirals. Now you can put all chrysanthemums on cardboard and paste. A ready postcard should be decorated with a greeting inscription.

beautiful birthday pictures
But if you plan to make a postcard fromphoto collage, it is better to resort to scrapbooking. But before you start to manufacture it, it is advisable to choose a theme. This can be a selection of old photographs or postcards of Soviet times. And you can search for suitable beautiful pictures for birthday in magazines. After the topic is selected and all the necessary materials are found, you can begin assembling the postcard itself. All cut out blanks from photographs, old cards and pictures should be spread out on a dense piece of cardboard, and then gently glued with a glue stick. That's all, the postcard is ready!

What would be the option of making cards for momshe was sure to like it. After all, there is nothing more pleasant than to receive a gift made by hand. And do not worry much if the postcard does not look like it was bought in the store. This is the difference between manual work - its uniqueness and uniqueness.

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