Chihuahua breed: care and content

chihuahua care and content
Chihuahua is an extremely amazing breedsmall dogs. Its distinctive feature are big, slightly funny ears. The dog has a stable nervous system and strong health. But if you decide to start a Chihuahua, care and maintenance you have to learn by heart, so that the dog became not only a pet, but also a devoted friend.

Care for Chihuahua

If the care for the chihuahua puppy is carried outby all rules, then in the end you will get a strong and healthy dog ​​with extraordinary ease and grace. She will have a peace-loving, faithful and playful character and will never allow her master to offend. Since puppyhood, you need to begin to teach the dog to the harness or leash. The first one is more suitable for adult chihuahua, because it can lead to deformation not yet fully strengthened bones.

chihuahua puppy care

In addition, the dog's claws do not stitchin a natural way, which implies their regular haircut. If you do not accustom to this dog at an early age, then in the future it will make it problematic. Do not forget to bathe your pet. Only do it no more often than once a week with a special shampoo, especially when you detect fleas. You need not only to know what the Chihuahua requires - care and maintenance are important! But pay special attention to the feeding of the baby. There is no special menu for this breed, but still avoid unnecessary and harmful food. Take away the trash can, into which the quick dog can climb without remorse, and give food strictly three times a day and
in small portions. Food should not be stored in a bowl and sour - this can lead to poisoning. Also, do not allow the pet to be fed scraps from the table. Suitable for chihuahua is meat, cereals, soups and dairy products. Remember that many representatives of this breed perished from obesity!

Contents of the Chihuahua

Surely you will want to always wear ita small creature on your hands or in a bag. However, this should not be done. For the Chihuahua breed, care and maintenance should include mandatory outdoor walks - at least three times a day.

chihuahua care and feeding
If the street is cold, then shorten the timewalk or buy a special overall. In summer, you can stay outside for a bit longer, but only away from direct sunlight. Watch the dog so that it does not pick up various pieces of food from the ground. After a walk, warm the baby (if it's winter outside) and dry it in case of rain. Despite the health of nature, chihuahua, whose care and maintenance require special attention, can catch cold and get pneumonia with a fatal outcome. Do not forget to buy a pet toy and bedding, determine for him a place that will be his only. Pay more attention to chihuahua, care and feeding for which are important along with caress and care. She will respond with gratitude and will always be faithful next to her master. And if the house has children, then the dog will happily entertain them, while you are busy with their own affairs.

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