Alcohol during pregnancy and its impact on the development of the baby

The use of alcohol still did not bring anyonebenefit. Absolutely everyone is well aware of the dangers of alcohol and their effects on the human body. The consequences of excessive use are sad. And if you drink alcohol during pregnancy? Then harm is caused not only to the mother, but also to the child. The consequences of such irresponsibility are irreparable and sad.

Of course, this applies to women who usealcohol during pregnancy in large quantities and for a long time. But if the pregnancy is unplanned, Mom may not be aware of her situation and lead a habitual way of life. But when the test shows two strips, the woman is horrified, remembering the drunk glasses and glasses, it covers a huge sense of guilt before the baby. Fortunately, conducted studies have shown that a moderate amount of alcohol in the first months of bearing a baby does not affect its development in any way. Children are born full and healthy.

What is meant by the over-dimensionalconsumption? This is more than five glasses of wine or beer a day. This amount can cause serious gynecological problems in women and harm the fetus. Even one or two daily taken glasses slow down the development of the baby. The more the amount drunk, the higher the danger. Safe doses just do not exist!

How does alcohol affect pregnancy and mother? First of all, it leads to miscarriage or premature birth on small terms, to complications in childbirth, to the slowing down of labor.

As for the fetus, the consequences are moredeplorable. Such children differ from others from the very first moments of birth. The main indicator - the low weight of the baby, his lethargy, perhaps the lack of reflexes. Accepted alcohol during pregnancy along with the mother's blood is transmitted to the fetus. We can say that my mother just shares each drink with a still unborn baby. At the same time from the fetal blood alcohol disappears twice as long as from the mother's body. As a result, when the mother is already sobering, her baby is in a fainting state.

Starting with the second month of intrauterinedevelopment is the laying of the internal organs of the baby and their development. Alcohol during pregnancy seems to strike at still unformed organs, hinders normal development and functioning. This is especially true of the brain. Its damage and improper development will affect the entire life of the child. This threatens the appearance of mental retardation and inferiority, to psychological complications.

Even the child's external features can tellabuse of alcohol during pregnancy. The constitution can be disproportionate, especially this is evident in the second year of the child's life. His head is too small, some children of alcoholics have a flat face with narrow eyes, there are defects in the auricles. Many have a low growth rate compared to other children whose mothers did not take alcohol. There are problems in school, such children are distinguished by low memory and poor mental abilities.

As soon as the woman learned about her situation, shemust immediately abandon alcohol, the harmful effects of alcohol on pregnancy - not empty words. You can afford a glass of wine for the New Year or for your birthday, but no more! Of course, there are examples when parents-alcoholics were born quite healthy children, but this is only a favorable exception to the general rule.

Fortunately, a woman's body often helps itself to abandon a harmful habit during pregnancy, and alcohol simply causes severe disgust and nausea.

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