Acute and chronic renal failure in cats

Healthy kidneys are harmful substances,accumulating in the body of a cat. But sometimes the kidneys do not cope with their task. One of the most serious kidney diseases is renal failure, which partially (and sometimes completely) loses the ability to form and release urine. This, in turn, causes disturbances in the acid-base, water-salt, osmotic homeostasis. As a result, all body systems are damaged.

Acute renal failure (hereinafter referred to as acute renal failure)manifests itself suddenly. The reason lies in the acute damage to the tissue of the kidney (or kidney), more often reversible. Visually, this is noticeable as a sharp decrease in the volume of excreted urine, down to anuria (lack of urine).

Acute renal failure in cats is dividedin four stages. The first include a decrease in the amount of urine and a drop in blood pressure. In the second stage, the amount of urine released decreases catastrophically, or its isolation ceases altogether. In the treatment possible fraudulent increase in volume (and even exceeding the norm), but only salt and water are excreted from the body. If the course is favorable, and the treatment is correct, then the recovery will take about two months.

Chronic renal failure in cats(further CRF) is more often detected with age and is observed in a third of old cats. For the detection of CRF, both diagnostic and therapeutic efforts are required, since this disease can occur secretly. Laboratory tests show a prolonged (two weeks or more) increase in blood urea and creatinine (azotemia).

Kidney failure is chronicfrom the arresters. Acute, as we already know, begins suddenly, the chronic develops long (several years) and arises against the background of other kidney diseases. There is the term "compensated renal failure in cats," in which kidney function, despite a chronic disease, works satisfactorily.

The exact diagnosis is made only by the doctor (on the basis ofexamination, observation (examination will be necessary) and analyzes). With the symptoms described, do not spend such precious hours on meditation, - bring your pet to the clinic. The disease is treated. Though for a long time. But the chances of recovery are huge. With a timely diagnosis. Moreover, an annual prophylactic medical examination is desirable for elderly cats (even if there are no abnormalities).

Identifying chronic renal failure at the initial stages is difficult: the first symptoms "zakyayutsya", when two-thirds of the kidneys are already damaged and the time is lost. But even in this case, treatment is possible, although it will be difficult and long. Renal failure in cats requires serious treatment.

Before going to the clinic, if possible, collecturine (take it with you), it will save time. In the clinic, most likely, you will be offered to undergo ultrasound and x-rays (it is necessary to exclude tumor and stone in the kidneys). Do not refuse. It really is necessary. Perhaps the cat will be introduced a contrasting dye. Do not be scared. Such a technique is practiced for a clearer "picture" of the internal structures of the kidneys. Probably, they will take a biopsy (a sample of kidney tissue, extracted with a thin needle, under anesthesia).

The prescribed treatment, of course, depends ondiagnosis. The stones are removed either through a diet (special, curative), or by surgery. However, many old cats have a problem not in stones, but in the regeneration of kidney tissues. And here, unfortunately, there can not be a complete cure. The treatment is already directed at slowing down the process and alleviating the condition.

Long-term prognosis with kidney disease is notare particularly welcome if the disease is not recognized at an early stage and appropriate timely measures are not taken. If only the third, undamaged, part of the kidneys is involved in the work, hope is weak. But supporting treatment and dieting are able to give the owner and cat another 2-3 years of communication.

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