At what age and how does the child's teeth grow?

For each parent is an exciting andthe long-awaited moment when the child begins to cut teeth. Moms with awe celebrate this event, rejoice and record in the diary of the baby. Many people are interested in the question of how the teeth grow in a child. The article will answer this question, information about the age at which it occurs, and what problems may accompany it and how to help the baby.

How to grow a child's teeth. The order of eruption

how the teeth grow in the child

Zubki in babies begin to appear about 6months. Someone has this before, someone later, which, by and large, is individual, as well as much more with regard to the development of crumbs. The central lower incisors appear first (there are eight in all, four in the bottom and one in the top). After that, at about 8 months, the top 2 are cut through. Then parents are happy to notice there are also 2 incisors. This happens in about 10-12 months, after which there is often a short break. Lower lateral incisors grow to about 14 months. A 4 molars appear somewhere to 16 months. The last, about two years, grow fangs. They are located between the molars and incisors. It should be noted that this order can also vary individually, and some children have asymmetric eruption.

amount baby teeth in a child 6 months

In six months, children often only begin to erupt teeth. So, by the end of the 6th month the child may already have a pair of incisors or they are at the time of appearance.

How to grow a child's teeth. Possible collateral problems

The process of dentition in children can occur in different ways. So,

number of baby teeth in a child 6 months
some babies endure it quite painlessly, while others may face many difficulties. Possible problems associated with the appearance of teeth are the following:

  • a decrease in immunity, and as a consequence, a high probability of "catching" any infection, runny nose, cough, etc .;
  • temperature increase;
  • restless sleep;
  • deterioration of appetite;
  • diarrhea may occur, as the child experiencesdiscomfort, trying to get rid of it, so pulls into his mouth all (including dirty) to scratch the gum. Also, the toddler drinks a lot during this period, which can lead to a loose stool.

children's dentistry
How to grow a child's teeth. Help crumbs during this period

If the temperature rises, the baby shouldgive a means to lower it. It is best that it is based on paracetamol, for example "Panadol". Pediatric dentistry provides medications to reduce pain during eruption. Most often for this, the "Kalgelem" gum is lubricated. However, its action lasts only for 30 minutes. Also for this purpose, they use "Solcoseryl", "working" a little longer than the previous preparation. The list of assistant babies also includes specially designed "teethers", which can be bought at any pharmacy. For best effect, you should buy with a gel inside and with pimples. It is also recommended to massage the baby's gum with cleanly washed fingers.

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