Household soap for hair - all "for" and "against"

Many older people, looking at today'sa variety of uhodovyh means for hair, utter the same phrase: "We in youth washed their hair with soap and they were healthy and shiny." The opinions of experts and ordinary consumers on this account were divided, some categorically opposed, others the opposite, for.

Those who are for use say thatlaundry soap for hair extraordinarily useful. The locks from him become lush, healthy and shiny. So do not be afraid to use laundry soap for hair. Reviews about him are more than flattering, and the results that manage to get girls are simply amazing. The tool is economically advantageous, sold in every store, and a month after its application you can see a positive result.

laundry soap

Use household care soaptheir hair needs a special way. You do not just soap your head with a piece of soap, and dilute the soapy solution and wash the hair in it. In addition, after washing it is recommended to rinse them with cool water with a small amount of vinegar. Also, some girls use soap dandruff soap, this method is really very effective, but again, in order to see the result, it takes at least 1 month to wash your head with soapy water.

 Laundry soap for hair

For reference, we can say that there are in the worldSome people who have been washing their hair with laundry soap for decades. There was nothing wrong with their hair, on the contrary, they have a strong structure and a natural luxurious luster.

But doctors, trichologists say thatlaundry soap for hair is extremely harmful, and do not recommend using it. Who does not know, trichologist doctors are engaged in hair treatment, caring for them and studying their structure. So, in their opinion, laundry soap for hair is a real poison, which can damage and destroy even healthy curls. As doctors explain, the main problem in alkali, which is contained in any household soap. This alkali is so harmful and aggressive that it removes the natural protective film from the hair, because of this they become brittle, dry and lifeless. And then the structure of the protective film will be very difficult to restore, for this you will have to buy expensive medications.

 Laundry soap for hair

And for all the protests and remarks of the defenderssoap for hair that, they say, in olden times, everyone washed their hair only by them, and nothing happened to them, experts answer: "Then the soap was of a completely different composition and quality."

So what to do, you ask, wash your hairhousehold soap or not? There is no unequivocal answer to this question, everyone should make their own choice. Disputes between opponents and defenders have not ceased for many years. To date, the defenders argue that no film from the hair is washed off, because it is for its preservation that they rinse the locks with acetic water. Trichologists, on the other hand, only smile skeptically and shake their heads.

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