Replacing the batteries in hours: we repair ourselves or go to the master?

As a rule, all electronic orelectronic-mechanical watches run on batteries, and at some point they need to be replaced. The quality of the battery depends on how long it will last. So, what's the best way to do it when you need to replace the batteries in the clock? There are two options - go to a specialized salon or do repairs yourself.

Advantages of replacement in the cabin

Replacing the batteries in hours
In large cities, there are service centers forrepair of watches of well-known brands, so it is easier for inhabitants of megacities to turn to a workshop. There, the customer will be replaced with all necessary parts, without damaging the hull and retaining all the properties, will sell quality parts and will give a guarantee for work. In such centers, the battery is replaced in hours. The cost of the service consists of the price of the battery itself and the payment for the work of the master. On the average in the cabin with you will take 100-400 rubles.

Self-replacement batteries in hours

If you do not want to overpay for the services of a masterin the cabin, you can change the batteries with your own hands. Pay only for a new battery. It is necessary to carefully prepare the workplace, where the replacement will be held, so that there is no dust, and the air was sufficiently moistened. Also, take care of the good lighting and stock up on tools and tools: a set of miniature screwdrivers, a knife or caliper.

Casio watch battery replacement
All the watches have a back cover, somemodels it is unscrewed, others simply removed. To do this, you need to find a small depression and use a sharp object (knife) to pick up and lift the lid. Those who repair the "Casio" watch, the replacement of the battery will require the availability of screwdrivers, because the cover of this watch is kept on small screws that can not be unscrewed by other improvised tools. When the lid is open, you need to carefully remove the battery and replace it with a new one. Then, in the reverse order, install all the removed elements and close or screw the cover.

Battery replacement in hours cost
In the case when the watch had the propertyrepel water, self-replacement of batteries in the clock can deprive them of this quality. Therefore, if you want to continue to use them in conditions of high humidity, you should entrust repairs to the service center employees.

What should I avoid?

If for some reason you can not changethe battery itself, you should not contact the salon shops that provide services in the subway or other places of congestion. There you will not be given a guarantee for the work done, and can even spoil the brand name. Therefore, if quality, preservation of properties and long time of work are important for you, let the batteries be replaced in a clock in a specialized center. And if you need to save money, repair yourself. With most hours this will not cause any difficulties, the main thing is not to press hard, fastening the lid, otherwise you can damage the front glass. Do not tear off the pasted pieces of paper, because they are impregnated with a special solution for the correct operation of the mechanism.

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